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Grace age update: 7 - 8 months

So after living with them for two months, Renesmee finally convinced her family to let Grace visit the wolf pack with her. Besides Jacob, she hasn't met any of the wolves. Bella dropped them off at Sam's house at around brunch and quickly made sure Renesmee had everything for Grace before leaving. Jake was the first to come and greet her, making funny faces at Grace as he did so. He invited her in and led the way to the kitchen where Emily was serving up brunch.

"Guys, you got to meet the new Cullen." he got all of their attentions.

Sam left his place at the table and signalled the pack to follow. They all gathered around Nessie, who was holding Grace. Sam bent down to be eye level with Grace, who was gaping at all the new faces (or was it their abnormal huge bodies?). Suddenly she reached forward and tangled her small fingers in Sam's hair, smiling at the new feeling. Sam was too late to stop the smile and let it slip. The rest of the pack took it as a good sign and immediately crowded closer to the baby girl. They all had a turn to say hello to her and got a glimpse of that enchanting toothless smile - well, almost toothless, for she now had teeny tiny teeth in her upper gums.

"She's adorable!" Quill exclaimed, but Paul pulled him back by his collar.

"My turn, bro. She's cute."

Seth seemed the most enchanted and couldn't stop staring at her, constantly letting her hold his fingers. Emily offered to take Grace for a minute so Renesmee could help herself to some brunch. As soon as she held the tiny person she made up her mind that she and Sam should definitely have children one day.

After brunch Renesmee decided to let Paul feed Grace, just to say she saw the bad boy's soft side. Paul was so against the idea that he claimed that he'd rather drink from the toilet than feeding a baby. But one glare from Sam made him understand that it was an order, not a request. Paul bit back all the curse words he could think of and let Nessie place Grace in his arms. She showed him how to hold her and the bottle and stepped back to sit with Jacob. Paul frowned in concentration as he fed Grace and soon found it rather easy. He smiled as she burped softly after drinking all the milk, actually feeling attached to her.

It was mission impossible to take Grace from him afterwards. Emily kept complaining that she also wanted a turn to hold her while Embry and Quill threatened to shave his head in his sleep if he didn't hand her over. Eventually, he handed Grace to Jared, who could pull off the best puppy face. They played poor Grace half to sleep and that's where Emily drew the line.

"Right, you boys had your fun and now look how tired you made her. Go clean up the kitchen and I'll put her to sleep."

They all groaned but knew better than to argue with their alpha's mate. All who stayed behind was Seth, who was staring at little Grace.

"Seth?" Renesmee asked.

"Can I put her to sleep? Please?" he asked politely.

Emily nodded and cautiously put Grace in his arms, taking a seat next to him in case he needed help. Renesmee took this as a sign to take a break and went out to find Jake. He sat on the porch, already waiting for her.

"Hey." she smiled and joined him, "Seth got Grace. He seems very comfortable with her, you know?"

Jake smiled and threw his arm around her shoulders. She could clearly tell something's bothering him and she had a good idea what it was about.

"You're thinking about whether Grace will be turned one day or not." she sighed.

Jake's eyebrows scrunched together in a frown, "How'd you know?"

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