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I sat among my fellow students at the graduation ceremony, listening to the speech Jezebel was giving. Everything felt so right. We're graduating! We made it!

Caiden sat a few seats away from me and kept stealing glances. I only smiled back and remained natural. We were just friends. So much has happened through the years, both good things and bad things, but I was looking forward for once. No more worrying about school problems or bullies or deadlines or homework. Maybe that's what college will be like, but I'm not thinking about that either.

In the other row of seats sat my family and the Volturi, all dressed casually to fit in with the crowd. The Volturi had to use contacts to hide their eyes, but that didn't seem to bother them. Demetri looked damn good with blue eyes and I couldn't help thinking that he once had blue eyes as a human. Luckily, it was an overcast day and sparkling in the sun was the least of their worries. I stole a quick look at my favourite tracker, only to find that he's been staring the whole time.

Memories of the kiss flooded through my brain and made my toes curl the heels Alice made me wear. As if that wasn't enough, goosebumps covered my arms and legs as well and I got this tingly sensation in my stomach. Forget butterflies, I get the whole colony of bats when thinking about Demetri! Remembering that we're still looking at each other I winked at him before concentrating on the speech again.

Finally, it was time to throw our graduation caps into the air. I didn't throw mine too high though, I knew Mom kept them for her collection. Jamie, Kit, Mikey and Cory attacked me with hugs.

"We're alive!" Mikey yelled, "We actually survived this place. Guys, we can literally do anything."

"Speaking of anything." Kit smirked slyly, "What do you guys say the five of us go on a little vacation together? My mom and dad can buy our plane tickets, book us into hotels and get us a tour guide. What do you say?"

It sounded great, but that meant I won't get to see Demetri for a while. I will survive, of course, but he'll be worrying every day.

"I will have to talk to my parents first." I told them, "But I think they'll be alright with it."

As if they've been listening in on our conversation, which I'm sure they have, my family joined the little circle. I stepped aside so Demetri could stand next to me. Our hands grazed against each other and I lightly intertwined our fingers.

"What did I hear about a vacation?" Mom asked cheerfully.

"Hey, Mr and Mrs Cullen." My friends greeted in unison.

"It's just a little travel through Europe actually." Kit explained, "My parents will provide everything, tickets, hotels and the whole lot. We just want to visit like, four countries, just to say we've been outside of England."

"And it's a little bonding time for old time's sake." Jamie added, "We don't know if we'll be able to hang out once some of us start college."

Mom and Dad stared at each other and I recognized those looks. They thought it was a good idea. However, when I looked into Demetri's eyes, I saw the same sadness and concern like with my first date with Caiden. I knew this was going to be hard for him. But this was maybe my last chance of hanging out with all my human friends before we all go on with our new adult lives. I tightened my grip on Demetri's hand and hoped that he'll at least try to understand.

"I don't see why not." Dad said, "On one condition. We want to pay half of the vacation."

"Yes!" Kit cheered, "Thank you, Mr and Mrs Cullen. You rock!"

"Sounds great but..." I interrupted her enthusiasm a little, "I have a few conditions of my own."

"State your conditions, empress of beauty." Mikey joked.

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