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Bright and early that morning the Cullens' very "welcomed" guests arrived at their new residence. Alice reluctantly prepared their rooms through the night, one for every Volturi member for when they take turns to visit. They didn't even bother knocking on the door or ringing the bell, considering that they knew the Cullens could sense they're coming.

Carlisle opened the door and greeted an emotionless Marcus, an excited Felix and bored Demetri, "Gentlemen. Please, come in."

The three Volturi members entered the mansion and a whistle escaped Felix as he took in the place's beauty. Esme had that magical touch when it came to indoor decor.

"Make yourselves at home," Carlisle added out of politeness.

"We sure will." Felix replied and turned a full 360 degrees to admire the place, "I sure will."

"May I request to see my room, Carlisle?" Marcus asked quietly.

"Of course. Alice will give you a tour around the house and garden. It will be a second home to you for a while." It pained Carlisle to say those last sentence just as much as it pained his family to hear it.

Just imagine receiving the news you'll be rooming with your world nemesis, arch-enemy, the devil itself.

"A century won't be enough to accept it," Rosalie muttered as she stomped off to the kitchen with Emmett close on her heels.

Alice showed Marcus to his room in the North wing, considering he's an ancient after all and deserved to have a suite. Felix received a room in the East wing while Demetri got a room in the West wing, right next to Alice and Jasper. It was Edward's idea to have their rooms far apart, just in case of some diabolical plan they made.

Upon passing the North wing on their way down, Demetri caught the addicting scent of human blood that turned his eyes from crimson to pitch black. He looked into the hallway and let his feet take him towards the second to last door on the right.

Grace's nursery.

Swallowing, he pushed the door open and stepped into the room, which had a direct door to Carlisle and Esme's room and their shared balcony. Demetri slowly counted the paces to the crib in the far corner, forcing himself to ignore the smell of the warm, rich, oozing blood that he'd recognized from anywhere in the world. A smell that was unforgettable, one of a kind, addicting, appetizing...

He felt his fangs grow as he looked into the crib, right at the sleeping Grace all cuddled up in a light blue blanket and a bat plush toy. The sharp ends poked at his bottom lip, threatening to cut through if he didn't feed that very moment. He leaned in and inhaled the scent. It burned through his nostrils straight into his throat and he couldn't resist any longer. A low, throaty growl escaped him as he launched forward... but merely an inch from her little neck he was tackled through the window right into the balcony.

Emmett crushed his head against the floor, making it crack at his temples and cheekbones, "Two minutes. We leave you alone for two minutes and you already try sucking every precious drop of blood out of Grace?!" Emmett growled, "What the hell's wrong with you?! She's a baby!"

"Let me go, bear boy, or else things will get ugly." The tracker threatened with his face flat on the floor, "But I highly doubt it can, since your face holds the record."

This time Emmett tightened his hold and caused Demetri's nose to crack all the way from the tip to his left eyebrow. He wouldn't have stopped if Carlisle and Edward didn't show up to drive him off. Demetri didn't have any luck in taking his time getting up though. Felix also showed up and held him by the shoulders in a death grip. The two groups split ways, the Cullens checking up on Grace and the Volturi going to Demetri's room.

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