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Grace POV

Dad and I were both sitting in the car, listening to music some more and watching the school with all the students like it was the best movie ever made. There were obvious cliques, the populars, jocks, nerds, the usual cliché stuff I read about and saw in movies. Where will I fit in, a new girl wearing a peach-coloured jersey, a black skirt that reached my mid-thighs, black leggings and black ankle boots? Rose assured me this was how girls my age dress in school.

Dad looked at me with a sideways smile, "You ready?"

"Can't we just listen to one more song?" I asked half desperately.

"It will end after three minutes just like the previous one." he said, "You'll be fine."

I nodded. Go to school, get my schedule, find my locker and get to class. That's the mission. Other minor missions included joining social activities, like a book club maybe, and make new friends. I didn't have any friends in elementary school, maybe because my family was all vampires, or maybe because I didn't need any friends since I had everything I wanted. My family, the Volturi, the wolf pack. They all were my friends.

"You will pick me up, right?" I asked Dad, "Or mom?"

He nodded, "Don't worry, sweetheart. We'll be there. Now go, or you'll miss your first class."

I kissed him goodbye and climbed out of the car. Time to... yep, I'm walking. Just walk. Make plans later.

Heads turned towards me as I strolled through the parking lot, some guys sent me friendly smiles, others winked, and girls whispered to their friends, others wore sky-high brows, probably judging. I swallowed my fear and concentrated on only one goal: get inside. Ironically, that's what vampires think 90% of the time. Living with them was rubbing off on me.

The inside of the school building wasn't any less busy than the outside. Teens were everywhere, chatting, laughing, kissing... gross. I turned the other way and luckily found the office along with my schedule. Mom and dad helped me choose the most necessary subjects, such as Math, Biology, English, French as a second language, and Art. I insisted on taking Drama and Music as well since I loved playing the piano and write my own compositions. Edward taught me well.

A couple making out against the lockers caught my eye and somehow made me lose my appetite as well. I must have forgotten to look where I was going because suddenly, I brutally made contact with someone coming from the front, and we both fell backwards.

The brunette in front of me shot up with a raged expression, pushing the girls at her side away with airy movements before flipping back her hair, "Focus on where you're going and we might prevent some serious consequences, stupid new girl!"

She linked her arms with her minions and marched right past me. I threw my head back, trying to gather the courage to get up and going once again. Suddenly two hands grabbed mine and I was pulled up.

"Sweet polar bears, you're heavier than you look." A tiny, short brunette exclaimed jokingly, "First day, huh?"

I nodded, "Yes. Thank you."

She looked around frantically and pulled me over to the lockers, "Got to get you out of death's way, then. I'm Jamie Young, a pleasure to meet you."

I shook her hand, "Grace Cullen, likewise."

"Sweet last name." she smiled, "So, you need help at finding your locker and first class?"

I nodded and handed her my schedule. While she studied it, I took in her appearance. She had hazel brown eyes with normal brown hair that reached just below her shoulders and a pale complexion. Her choice in attire was a pair of ripped denim shorts, ankle boots, black leggings and a flower power jersey. Several accessories caught my eye, rings on every finger, three necklaces that didn't match, and fake ear piercings in her left ear. It was all very, very hippie.

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