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School's been great.

Note: that was sarcasm.

I recently found out that I sucked in math, pun intended. All the struggling was driving me insane and I was starting to lose my patience. Classes, teachers, homework, assignments, activities, they all were draining me to the point where I actually considered asking someone in the family to just turn me into a vampire and get it over with. Of course, it was a crazy, stupid, insane idea and they'll probably say no without thinking.

The worst thing was that the teachers knew about my good grades in elementary school and expected me to keep up the good work in high school, which, I admit, was very hard. I slammed the book shut and in the heat of the moment decided to go out.

"Mom, I'm going out," I told her before I left.

"Sounds fine." She said, "You taking the bike?"


"Alright, be home for dinner."

I was grateful that Edward and Alice weren't close by, otherwise, one will read my mind and spill about my math problems, while the other one will probably see my bright future where I fail a math test. I passed Demetri on the way out.

"Where are you going?" He asked curiously.

"Just out." I answered quickly, "And no, I don't need a babysitter."

He rolled his eyes, "I was so not babysitting you. But you do need a ride, though."

I inhaled and actually thought of biking to the city. It was awfully far and since I was mercilessly going through puberty, my whole body ached. Maybe accepting his offer wasn't such a bad idea.

"Fine, I'll appreciate it." I gave in.

Suddenly, I was lifted into the air by the tracker and thrown over his shoulder. Seeing the world upside-down made my stomach turn and blood rush to my head. To worsen the experience, Demetri started poking my sides, while he knew very well that I'm extremely ticklish there.

"Argh! Demetri, stop!" I giggled and hit his back with my fists, "I'm going to be sick, you creepy biscuit!"

Suddenly I was thrown back, but this time he had me caged in his arms, "Creepy biscuit?"

I rolled my eyes and whined, "Okay, I admit it, the Nots are starting to rub off on me! But you're still a creepy biscuit."

"Aw, but you still love me." He made a puppy face that actually succeeded.

I smiled shyly and try hiding the blush, "Yeah, yeah, I love you. Don't get an airhead. Now let's go."

I had no idea how Demetri always managed to make me feel better. Like, I could never stay mad at him, let alone become mad at him. Maybe a little irritated sometimes, but that's about it. He was actually my best friend and was always there when I needed someone to talk to, for advice, or just to listen to one of my essays.

This wasn't the first time I took a ride with him. When I was younger he'd sometimes drop me off at school. Then he'd wait outside in the parking lot the whole day until I could go home. Many times I've sat wondering if he didn't have anything better to do than waiting for me.

We stopped outside a small shopping centre and he politely opened my door for me, "Right, what's the plan?"

I scanned the place, noticing that there wasn't a lot of people around, "I didn't think about that. Okay, uh, I need new bobby pins. That stuff just disappears out of my hair. New leggings, flower-patterned to be precise, and new makeup, mascara and nail polish mostly."

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