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People might say that it will get boring on a deserted island after a few days. What was there to do? No water worlds, no resorts, no tours, no scuba diving, no kite surfing. Only trees and trees and more trees. But I felt the complete opposite. There was more than enough to do on the island, hiking through the jungle and trying out different routes each time, jumping from the top of the waterfall into the lagoon, picnics in the cave, and what's better than a spa treatment from my one and only hubby.

Demetri made it clear that boredom wasn't an option on this island, and kept me entertained every single second of the day. When I was too tired to do anything else, he'd bring me something to eat while giving me a foot massage. I wasn't the only one who had fun though. He had the pleasure to see me struggling to climb steep rocks and trees and making a fool of myself when I fell on my butt, while he could do it so gracefully. When diving and exploring the underwater life, I had to surface every minute for air, while he could go as deep as he wanted and see all the good scenes. He didn't get tired or hungry or exhausted, and it felt like I was missing a great deal of the real fun on the honeymoon.

However, Demetri never left me alone, except when he needed to feed. He usually did that during the time I took a bath or shower. Dad supplied Demetri with enough bags of human blood he got from the blood bank at his work, so there was no need for my hubby to survive off animal blood while we're here. It was around sunset when we got home from another eventful day of swimming, diving and romantic walks on the beach. I threw my backpack on the bed and jumped on Demetri's back from behind.

"Looks like someone's still full of energy." He chuckled and spun me around in almost vampire speed.

I held on for dear life and didn't let go as he threw me on the bed, pulling him down with me. His arms landed on either side of my head to support his weight as we stared each other down. I lightly pulled him down and kissed him slowly, savouring the taste of saltwater on his lips. Demetri lowered his body and bare chest onto mine and deepened the kiss, while his hands guided my legs around his waist.

"Hmm." I pushed him away and slipped out underneath him, "Responsibilities before pleasure."

He frowned adorably, "What do you mean, love?"

"I mean that we're both sticky from the saltwater and I'm not planning on doing laundry if we mess up the bed."

I pulled him with me to the bathroom and ran the shower. Without warning or testing the water, I pushed him in and joined him, swimwear and all. The water was barely warm, but nothing seemed to matter at that moment. His fingers combed the wet strands of hair out of my face and immediately smashed his lips on mine. I trailed my hands over his chest and stomach and he let out a growl when I played with the string of his shorts. Suddenly, I was lifted up and my legs wrapped around his waist. He left my lips and planted skilled, meaningful kisses up and down my neck, not neglecting a single spot. My fingers tangled in his hair as I brought our lips back together and gave him full access to my mouth. It was too late for me to realize that my back was pushed up against the shower door. Suddenly, it burst open and Demetri caught me just in time to stop me from falling. He carried me over to the sink and wrapped my legs around him even tighter. My throat was burning and aching, so I pulled back for a few gulps of air.


"Yes, my Grace?"

"Tell me you want me."

"Grace..." He growled as his eyes turned pitch black, "I've wanted you since the day I taught you how to kiss."

There was no way to explain what those words did to me. I jumped Demetri and sent us stumbling backwards into the bedroom. His fingers dug into my thighs as his lips moved roughly on mine. When I felt my back make contact with the bed and see him crawling over me, I knew that we wanted the same thing. Demetri's dominant side was taking over as his lips worked their magic up my stomach, between my breasts and hovered over my collarbone. His fingers skillfully undid the knots of my bikini top and that little piece was discarded somewhere in the room.

"I hope I won't hurt you..." He muttered

I swallowed and gently caressed his cheeks, "Y-you won't. I know you won't. Just, please, kiss me again."

He obliged without a second thought.

His eyes met mine for a split second in an intense stare, "I love you, Grace."

"I love you, Demetri."

I snuggled up against Demetri's chest as we listened to the waves crash just outside the house. My heart was still beating rapidly and my legs were slightly numb, but I felt better than I have ever felt in my life. Tiny little feathers were scattered all over and around the bed, claw marks were left on the sheets and mattress, and the bed recently started creaking when one of us moved, which it didn't do before... well, you know. Demetri was just grateful that he only damaged the bed and didn't hurt me, but I've never seen him so happy in the twenty years that I've known him. Well, with our wedding day being an exception.

My eye caught glimpse of my white bikini top all the way on the balcony. So, that's where it went...

Another wave crashed down at the beach. Was it the right time to ask him about children now? He seemed relaxed and chilled out.

"Demetri?" I pushed away the red lights and doubts.


"Can I ask you something? Something really, really serious?" He nodded and looked me dead in the eyes. "Okay, uh, have you ever thought about what happens after our honeymoon?"

"A little, yes." He smiled, "We'll buy two houses, one in England, close to your family, and one in Italy, near the Volturi castle. We can stay where we want for how long we want. You'll finish your studies and become a doctor like Carlisle. Don't forget that you'll become a vampire, also. We'll go on hunts together, have midnight runs through Europe and maybe climb Everest one day. Anything with you is my life."

I took a deep breath, "Do kids maybe fit into your future life with me?"

His face became serious and I could see he was searching for words to say. "I... I... I know what almost happened to Bella, Grace. And all I know is that I don't want to see you end up the same way. I'd love to have kids, I mean, I have eighteen years' experience with a certain girl that stole my heart, but I don't want to risk losing this girl." He tilted my head up and pressed a small kiss on the tip of my nose, "There's nothing I want more than to have kids with you. It's just that it's too dangerous and your family got lucky that one time. We can always adopt as many kids as you like after you're turned and passed the newborn phase."

Even though I was disappointed, I knew he had a point. I didn't want him to end up like Marcus if something happened to me. So I left it there and accepted that having children with Demetri was off the list. There was still the adoption idea. I was adopted, and the thought of giving an abandoned child a home sounded good to me. I'll think about it. There's still plenty of time until then.

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