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Destination 1 - Greece

I inhaled the fresh Greek air, loving the new sensation it gave off. For the first time in a while, I didn't have to wear socks or a scarf or carry an extra jacket around in case it gets cold. Today I was wearing a pair of light blue denim shorts, a white spaghetti strap top and a pair of flats, completed with the necklace Demetri gave me. That's all accessory I'll ever need.

Jamie skipped around and took pictures of almost everything. I gave her my camera when we left the airport since she was more photogenic than I was. "What are we going to do first?" She asked excitedly, "We can go to Athens or the Temple of Delphi? Or what about the beach?"

"I've always wanted to swim in one of those fountain thingies," Cory admitted.

"First, let's just find a place to stay and drop off our bags." Mikey advised, "My back's getting sore from carrying JAMIE'S stuff."

"Oh, shush." Jamie ignored his complaints and snapped another picture of herself.

We finally found a nice guesthouse with two bedrooms, one for the boys and one for the girls. The view from the balcony was amazing. I could see almost everything, from the ocean all the way to the town. Kit went back to order us breakfast while I took the chance to call home. Alice answered first, thanks to her future-seeing gift. She wanted to know every piece of detail, of course, and I knew the others were listening in. After the call, I sent Demetri a personal text, telling him how much I missed him and how great Greece was. And it was true. I really missed him. The only reason why I insisted we go to Greece was because it's his birthplace. I wanted to see the place he grew up in.

A few days in Greece was enough to see everything. We went to Athens, visited the Temple of Delphi (which was hilarious). Kit suggested that we all get a turn to make a wish at the rock where Delphi usually sat. Of course, we had to have a conversation with 'her' first, before asking her for our heart desires.

Mikey was so into the whole wishing idea that he actually tried hitting on the spirit of Delphi. He stroked the rough edges of the rock, placed kisses on the top and even rubbed his upper body against it, just to show the spirit his 'rock hard chest'. Pun intended. In the end, he wished for some 'high tech upgrades' and an access code to NASA's mainframe. I actually thought he'd wish for a date with Evelyn James, Jezebel's minion. Seemed like he's over her.

Cory serenaded the rock. Literally. He took out an ukulele (which I found out was a really small guitar) and serenaded the spirit of Delphi with one of his own love songs. He wished for the girl of his dreams to like him back, or that's what I knew he meant when he wished for his love song to come true. Jamie did some weird hippie dance ritual thing around the rock and placed wildflowers all around and over the thing. She even lighted a vanilla-scented candle on top of it.

"What?" She asked when we all gave her funny looks, "What if Delphi liked vanilla?" She ended up wishing for world peace for trees and tuna fish.

Kit only casually sat down in front of the rock and whispered something to it. I never found out what she wished. Next up was me. I had no idea what I must do to please the spirit of Delphi, since giving her flowers, serenading her and complimenting her were already taken care of. All I could do was talk to her.

"Hi, spirit of Delphi. Listen, these are my best friends in the whole wide world, and I have the best family anyone could ever ask for at home. I also have a second family in Italy and a third in Forks Washington, more friends in Alaska and in Romania, as well as a lot of possessions. I literally have everything my heart desires, so I don't need anything else. But if I had to ask for one thing, it would be for everyone that I care about to be happy. That's about it."

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