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It's been two weeks yet Megumi's still bothered by the incident that happened in his class. The fight with Yuuji and Sukuna. It still bothers him to the point that he couldn't sleep for days.

He knew he'll regret his answer about Sukuna harassing him. He admits that Sukuna did harass since it was against his will but did he get mad? Did he ignore Sukuna because of what he did? No. Megumi didn't.

He liked it, but not much. He thought that it's the only way Sukuna would sticks with him forever, but he didn't know things would end up worse than he thought and regretted all of it.

If he's gonna be honest and be open to his close ones, maybe everything will be fine, maybe no one's gonna get hurt and maybe he's still on good terms with Sukuna or with Yuuji.

Megumi sighed with a scowl, messing his hair again, and flopped on his bed. He's been thinking of an idea on how to fix the problem he made. He's aware that it's his fault.

He shut his eyes closed. He didn't change one bit. He's still the same as before...

Wednesday, Summer - - -

"Hello, Megumi!" greeted a cute-looking kid. His cheerfulness made little Megumi smile.

"Hello, Yuuji..."

Megumi met Yuuji when his family moved to Kyoto. Yuuji's his neighbor and because of the latter's cheerfulness, they immediately become friends. Megumi was happy knowing that even if they just moved in, he already made a friend. His parents were proud and happy for him since it was rare for Megumi to have friends. Megumi's a shy and quiet kid that's why he can't approach other people so he needs to rely on someone, and luckily he met Yuuji.

"Do you want to eat ice cream~?! My treat!"

"You don't have enough money..."

"I-I know! But we can share!"

Megumi puffed his cheeks after giggling, "okay..."

They're utterly opposite in personalities but that doesn't stop them from being friends, and that is also the reason why they became so close, almost like brothers.

- - -


A short-haired and cute-looking girl approached him with a bright smile. He greeted her back with a small nod trying to recognize her.

"My name is Nakamoto Chizue! From class 3!"

Megumi stared at her and noticed how cute she is. She wears a flowery dress with a pink ribbon as her hair is clipped with a bunny hairpin.

"...How did you know my name?"

"Ah... eh... I heard that you are friends with Yuuji so I went to your class and asked for your name...!" her face flushed.

Megumi only stared at her and nodded his head a little. "Okay... what do you want from me?"

Chizue fidgets the small paper in her hands and shyly looked at Megumi.

"Ca-Can you hand this to Naoki?" she extender her short arms to Megumi.

Megumi took the paper and stared at it in confusion. "What is this... and who is Naoki?"

"Ah!" she giggled, "Naoki is Yuuji's cousin! He's a year older than us."

"Then why should I hand this to him?" Megumi was still in a state of confusion. "Why don't you hand this to him instead? Is he scary...?"

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