六 [edited]

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"You're not in a relationship with him, are you?" Nobara narrowed her eyes while Megumi led her out of his apartment since they're all done hanging out.

"I already told you, I don't know him."

"But why?" Nobara faced Megumi and slammed her hand on the door.

Megumi didn't flinch but it's getting skeptical. He narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms.

"I don't know, okay? He was the one who charged in." he scowls. Nobara only sighed before squeezing her hands in her hoodie's pockets.

"I'm not telling Yuuji about what happened earlier or he'll ask more questions than I did."

"Hm. Thanks for coming."

Nobara flashed a big smile before walking away, hands waving at Megumi. "BYEE!"

"Take care!"

Yuuji and Sukuna left first and Nobara stayed for a few minutes to help Megumi so he's really glad. It was difficult for him since Sukuna was staring at him, not even wanting to take his eyes off Megumi.

Megumi locked the door and goes to the kitchen while messing his hair. He hates it. He hates Sukuna. He had no idea why Sukuna kept on blabbing about his secrets.

The only question that worries him is... how did Sukuna know his secrets? Or are those pure lies? Megumi couldn't find out and that made him want to be involved in Sukuna's life.

He finds Sukuna a mysterious, sly, and cocky bastard. He just wanted to punch that tattoo guy but something's hindering him. He is strong, of course, he can beat Sukuna to a pulp but the thing that frightens him is that, why's Sukuna giving off a dangerous vibe? That's why Megumi came to hate him.

Megumi was back to reality when his phone rang. Picking it up from the table, he immediately answered the call.


It's his Father— Toji.

"Hey, Dad..." Megumi bit his lip, leaning on the counter as he shoves his other hand in his pocket.

"Are you having fun in school?"

Megumi was taken aback by his Dad's question. It's unusual for his Dad to ask something like this and that made him a little confused.

"Uh... yeah, I guess. Yuuji and Nobara are still with me anyway."

"Hmm. I heard you topped the Rank again."

Megumi pursed his lips not knowing what to reply. To be honest with himself, he loathes studying but after his Mom left them and his Dad having a rough time with his job, he decided to study hard. Unexpectedly, he became the number one student who always perfected their exams.

Megumi shut his eyes and heaved a sigh. That is one of his secrets. He hates studying.

"Yeah... I never expected that I would top again."

"It's nice since I won't be paying your tuitions."

Megumi went quiet and slowly fluttered his eyes open. He's a scholar and the Principal's the one who pays his tuition. People thought his family is wealthy since he's a student in the city's most prestigious school and add the fact that he's smart. Of course, people would think of that but that's far from reality. His family's so-so.

"Dad. After the exam, can I visit there?"



Megumi clenched his jaws as he waited for his Dad's response.

"Yeah but remember that I won't be there with you."

"I know. Just wanna tell you and I hope we can visit there someday..."

Megumi sighed as he recalled how that place looks like. The place he wanted to go to is his Mother's house. It's not abandoned since his relatives visit there too on holidays.

"I need to do something. I'll call you again tomorrow."

"Okay. Goodnight, Dad."


After his Dad said his goodnight, the call was immediately dropped. Megumi sighed and decided to wash his face when a knock on the door interrupted him.

It's already 11... he thought and moved towards the door and didn't hesitate to open it.

His eyes grew bigger when a familiar man stood firmly in front of his apartment.

Sukuna...! What is he doing here?! was Megumi's first thought.

"Can I crash in?"

The smile on Sukuna's face made Megumi felt cold shivers ran up his spine and immediately slammed the door close. His heart began racing so fast as he heard another knock that startled him.

Shit...! Out of all people, why HIM?! he panicked, trying to cope up with an excuse to not let Sukuna in.

"Megumi! Open up! I have no other place to sleep in tonight!"


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{ AFTER SHOW ep. 1 }

Megumi: I want some ice cream but I can't for now.

Yuuji: why not buy in the canteen?

Nobara: obviously, he's broke.

Megumi: ...Sukuna stole my money so Yuuji needs to pay.

Yuuji: WHY WOULD I?!

Megumi: he is your cousin so you're responsible for this or I won't share my answers anymore.

Yuuji: *immediately handed his credit card to Megumi* use it all you want, I still have a few left so just continue sharing your answers to us hehe~

Nobara: Megumi just wanted to take advantage of that since he's broke *but still gave Megumi her credit card* hmp!

Megumi: ...I just need a few yen... *went to check if there's money in their bank* *sees almost $12k in Nobara's bank account* *faints*

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I added after shows coz I felt like the story's boring (well it is—jk)

ps: after shows aren't connected to the story, just like the after shows in jjk anime, yes? Yes. Lol.

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