55. A Lazy Saturday

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The following morning brought more awkwardness for Annika. She recalled being in Shivaay's arms the previous night. So shy yet so compatible with his needs. Hers too. The need was indescribable. On one hand, she was so cross at him, so hurt for a thing solely based on the assumptions she made based on her surroundings. On the other hand, she was willing to embrace everything he would put her way.

Sighing, she sat up on the bed. She had the same clothes from last night on. He never let her go get changed. She also noticed she was on his side of the bed while he was on hers. He hadn't changed either. She couldn't perfectly remember how or when they fell asleep. The most she could recall was the tickling sensation in the region between her legs.

He had hovered her last night. Kissed her. She touched her neck. The hickey from two nights before was perfectly covered due to the concealer she applied before leaving for the party last evening. She looked to feel if he had bestowed more of those last night. She needed a mirror.

Shivaay's hands held her back from leaving the bed. He pulled her closer and leaned close. His right arm was on her lap. A sneaky smile graced his lips. Lines that appeared on his forehead due to stress from work seemed to have vanished. His eyes exhibited the innocence of a child.

Oh! Only she knew if he were to be a child.

"I need to freshen up," she tried to lift his right arm from her lap. He did not allow her to. She glared at him or at least tried to. He chuckled at her failed attempts. She proved to be a wonderful entertainment after the intimate moments they shared. Even now as he saw her pink cheeks and shy eyes, he saw no reason why not to tease her.

"Shall I—" she slapped his hand kept on her lap as her mouth formed a perfect round shape hearing his supposedly indecent comments.

"I didn't finish my sentence," he put on his defense, "Shall I move my hand from your lap and place my head instead?"

Annika's expressions softened though the shyness hadn't gone away completely. True to his words, Shivaay removed his hand and placed his head on her lap. Her legs started shaking as soon as she realized where Shivaay was. He grabbed her hands tightly. He even placed frequent kisses on her palm.

"Don't you have an office?" she asked.

"Today is Saturday," he replied.

She shrugged her shoulders, "So I have seen you working on Saturdays," the piteous part of her mind recalled her birthday which was a Saturday he went to work on. She was drowning with self-pity.

"Today, I want to bunk the office," he replied.

"Bunk? It's not good to bunk. Office or school."

"If that is how you want to bring our kids up, I am going to be cool with it," he remarked. She tried to shift away from him. That comment made her nervous. Hearing about their future kids from his mouth was nerve-racking of some sort, especially thinking about how awkward the intimacy was for her.

"What? I was just kidding. Even I am not so fond of them," he said. She sighed in relief. Any other time, if any other person said he wasn't fond of kids, she would be more than happy to protest him. Coming from Shivaay at the moment only worked in her favor.

"Good morning sweetheart," he kissed her forehead. She pushed him away from her lap and ran inside the washroom.


Shivaay could only stare when the door of their washroom clicked open declaring the arrival of a fresh out of shower Annika. She was wearing a simple high neck Kurti. She rarely wore a high neck. He predicted her attire had to do something with his kisses from last night. She had a towel around her back. She hadn't used a drier yet. Nor did she wrap her hair with a towel. She let them free so her tresses could hide some love bites. Beads of water traveled down her cleavage. He shifted his eyes. They were wandering anywhere and everywhere of late. He picked up an empty glass of water and tried drinking from it.

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