Bonus. 2

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Timeline: Two weeks later

The magical thing about home is that it feels good to leave, and it feels even better to come back. Shivaay revered the peace he found at home as he sipped his espresso and read the newspaper sitting on his balcony. His own home, his own room. Kalyani welcomed them very grandiosely. She couldn't stop talking about how boring it was without her billu and his wife or the number of Rudra's mischiefs that were overlooked in Shivaay's absence. In particular, she was happy that they would be able to make it to Rudra's graduation party tonight. Her words assured him of an evolving relationship between her and Annika. Things couldn't be perfect, they could at least be better. Because he looked forward to creating more memories here. He looked forward to growing old with Annika in this very home. He smiled seeing a flower on the far end of their garden. It reminded him of her first day in his home.

"Flowers bloom gradually just like any new relationship. It's just that relationships take time to form, and flowers don't."

Annika's words rung in his mind. It didn't make sense back then. It made sense now. Six months changed a lot of things. It changed him. It changed her. Today was her first day again, now in their home.

"I have been looking for you." Annika's voice caught his attention. She entered the balcony and stood behind him. She placed her hands on his shoulders.

"What happened?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to see you."

He caught her hands and brought her in front of him.

"I hope Dadi didn't do something again."

"She didn't. She is sharp at words. She just wants the family together. Whatever happened to your parents must have scarred her for life," Annika said more to herself than him.

"You know she isn't a fan of you, so I can't help but be worried. I don't want another issue to deal with now."

"If need be I will tell you. For now, just give us time. When we got married, did you imagine you would be so in love with me?"

He shook his head skeptically. "I mean I was attracted to you."

Annika giggled. Only she knew what attraction meant. She would think about him and his words every moment of her day. She was sure even if he was attracted to her, it couldn't be as much as she was to him.

"Come, sit." He pulled a chair for her to sit in. She sat facing him. He refused to leave her hand. Their eyes refused to leave each others'. The scene in the other's eyes was more beautiful than the garden of their mansion.

"I can't believe you lied to the family. They still believe we were on our honeymoon."

"Om knows."

"Wait, what?"

"Seemingly the only other Smart Singh Oberoi." Shivaay went on to narrate when and how Omkara figured out the truth.

"Don't you think we need to get them gifts? Else everyone especially your Dadi will think we went to honeymoon and returned without getting them something."

"You are thinking about that? Here I was thinking where can we go for our real honeymoon."

Annika frowned and slapped his hand. He could think about one thing only.

"Shivaay, you know why I call your dirty mind a train that runs on one track? I wanted to come here last week only. You wanted privacy, so I agreed. Can't you see they think we were on a month-long honeymoon? Won't it look odd if we go on another trip now? Let's wait till our first anniversary."

Falling in Love - A Shivika Romance ✔Where stories live. Discover now