19. Moment Over a Tie

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Annika was shocked after learning that Shivaay wanted her to do an MBA. As much as she knew that she was unable to concentrate on anything at all at the moment, she was also touched by this act of Shivaay. She expected herself to yell at Shivaay, to call him an idiot for thinking like she would want to study with such a big grievance in her heart. But here, she felt touched by this gesture of his.

Her heart whispered that there was another person who cared for her wishes. She didn't even remember voicing out her wishes to Shivaay. Shivaay seemed to be fulfilling them.

"Thank you Shivaay, but-"

"But what?" Shivaay interrupted, "You wanted to get an MBA, right? I am just helping."

Annika took a deep breath. Shivaay confused her in two ways. Any normal human would understand that she was not in the mental state for anything at the moment. Again, she appreciated the fact that Shivaay ordered around and lashed out on people just so she could get admission to the MBA program in such short notice.

She sighed. "Shivaay, I really appreciate that you are caring for what I want, but that's not what I want."

Could his wife be any more confusing? Shivaay thought.

"What do you want?" he asked. He only wished he made it clear with Annika in her sane state about what she really wanted because her last few words made him utterly confused.

"Shivaay, I want to get an MBA but not now."

"What's the problem with now?" he asked.

Was her husband a heartless jerk or a cute idiot?, she thought.

"Shivaay, don't act stupid," she said.

Shivaay got triggered by the line. Did she indirectly call him an idiot?

"I am not ready for it, Shivaay. I can start next year or even next semester if you want-"

"I thought that's what you want," Shivaay said.

"Not now," Annika stated. She didn't want to rant in front of Shivaay or pose as an attention-seeking wife by bringing her father's topic and crying. Yesterday she couldn't control, but today she feared being judged.

"Why?" came his next question.

"I am just not ready."

"You are the sole heiress of your Dad's business. You must take over it, not just in name but being in the game too. And for that, you need an MBA."

Annika gulped. He cared about business still. She mocked herself for expecting anything else.

"You do it," she offered, "You are more knowledgable than me and I am sure you will handle it well."

She meant what she said. Isn't that what Shivaay was after? Business! She wanted to bring this conversation to an end. Shivaay could be happy with the business and she could be at peace.


"Please, Shivaay."

Annika was hard to convince, but Shivaay was as much stubborn.

"Annika, listen."

Annika walked away from him. Shivaay looked on as she left. He could hear her sniffs. He wondered what he did to hurt her. He only did what she wanted. Didn't he?


At night, Annika stepped out of the room for the first time in the last twenty-four hours. All the househelps she came across greeted her with a simple hi. She didn't know the reason why but she felt like she was being judged. Their polite hi or good evening felt like they were laughing behind her back.

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