5. The Wedding

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Disclaimer: All the rituals described on this update has been written with the help of an article (link will be provide as an inline comment). I don't consider myself an all-knower about Hindu marriage customs and I am prone to commit mistakes. So if you find any mistake and you are sure about it, kindly let me know about it in a polite manner and I will edit it. Thanks :)


Two days had passed since their engagement. Annika spent the last forty-eight hours admiring the solitaire ring on her ring finger. She still felt his touch when he was slipping the ring on her finger. His hands were rough.

She blushed thinking about what would happen when they delve deeper into intimacy.

A knock disturbed her muse. She straightened up herself and sat upright on the bed before asking the person to come in.

Harsh came in with a melancholy look on his face that gave away that he was worried about something. In turn, Annika was worried.

"What happened, papa?" she asked.

"Annika-" Harsh stopped midway, gasping for breath. Annika became worried about her father. She placed her palm on top of his shoulder, and asked, "What happened, Dad?"

Harsh raised his head to face her. He cupped her face and started his speech, "Are you willing to marry Shivaay within two days?"

The question coming from her father's mouth shocked her to no extent. She was ready to marry Shivaay. It was fine with her. But two days? She already had this weird feeling in her heart about marrying a stranger who thinks about nothing other than his business. It was all too fast for her. As soon as she came, she met him, went on a so-called date and became his fiance. Now she would be his wife? All in a span of fewer than fifteen days!

"Please don't say no," Harsh requested.

"But why can't we wait?" she asked.

"Look, there is one auspicious date and time after two days, and then one six months later. I don't want to delay the wedding for another half a year. Please, understand"

Annika shook her head. She held Harsh's hands, "Are you sure?"

Harsh nodded, "Please, for me."

Annika was not sure why he was so eager for their marriage. He was a liberal man. Certainly, he won't force his own daughter to something against her wish. She recalled the exchange of glances that took place between Harsh and Shivaay during her engagement with the latter.

There was something they were hiding from her.

She took a deep breath before replying, "I am ready."

Harsh looked socked at Annika. How come she agreed so easily? He thought.

"Are you sure, darling?" he asked.

She nodded.

Harsh was about to mover his hands from her cheeks when she stopped him, "Papa, are you hiding something from me?"

Harsh shook his head negatively. Annika looked away. If it was someone else, she would ask him till the person blurted out the truth. It was her Dad. She would respect it if he doesn't want to tell.


Preparations started in full swing. Since many people won't be able to make it, they decided to avoid a gala during sangeet or Haldi and proceed to the wedding. Henna was applied to Annika's hands. The letter 'S' was hidden perfectly. As she caressed his imprints left on her palm, she wondered about her future. How would he be as a husband? As of now, she was sure he would sleep like a log instead of finding his name on her henna on their first night.

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