3. A Small Conversation

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Annika's eyes were glistening at the thought that her own father married her off so early. She had dreams to fulfill, plans to execute. Harsh could not see Annika's tears. He stepped forward and cupped her face, "Annika, try to understand. I promise this is going to benefit you."

Annika shook her head no while Harsh was wiping off those tears from her cheeks, "No, you could have told me that you are thinking of marrying me off. I would not have said no if you had a genuine reason."

Harsh held her face up to make her look at him, "Nothing is important to me than your happiness darling. All my life, I have lived for you," he sighed,

"Dad, you—"

" Listen to me. I loved your mom more than myself. I was really depressed when I got to know that either you or your mom can live through life after she gives birth to you. I felt like I died that day. Your mom knew she had complications in her pregnancy. Yet, she chose to give birth. She used to say 'I am not going anywhere, I will be back in your life in the form of our daughter' she was right. When I looked at you for the first time, I felt like I was looking at the baby version of your mom. You look exactly like her. Except for your eyes. Your eyes are like mine. The moment I took in my arms, I fell in love for the second time. With you! Have you ever thought about why I didn't marry again? Because I knew that no one can ever love you as your real mom would. And the other lady might love her kids more than you. All my life, I stayed as your mom's widower so that you would never feel left out. And now you are saying that I care for my benefits? How could you even think like that?"

Harsh took a deep breath, "This speech was not to make you feel bad. But do know that I have made all the decisions in the past by keeping you in mind. And all the decisions in the future will be kept only after I assure it has your goodwill behind it."

Annika was emotional. Each word he said was true. In addition, the mention of her mom pulled her emotional strings too much. But her dreams and her expectations were equally important to her. 

She burst into tears, "I am sorry, Dad. I am so sorry. I misunderstood your intentions. But try to understand my feelings too, Dad. I am not even 24! I want to live through life before marrying someone. Give me three more years dad, only three years. After that, I promise I will marry whichever guy you chose for me, even that Shivaay Singh Oberoi. I promise."

As much as Harsh wanted to agree to his princess's demand, he knew his decision was the best for Annika.

"No, I cannot give you that much time. I want to see you married as soon as possible. You are getting engaged in a fortnight and marrying him soon afterward. Please agree with this. Consider it as my last wish."

Annika turned to take deep breaths. She didn't want this. Not at all.

Yet, she was emotional in front of her Dad. Why would he ask her to consider it as his last wish? She did not want to hurt his feelings. And she knew if her Dad chose this for her, he must have put some thought into it.

"Can I get some time to think?" Annika asked, knowing that she should not make any decision solely based on her emotions.

"Of course," Harsh replied.


Harsh was alone in his study once Annika left. He paced back and forth. His phone rang suddenly. It was Shivaay. He wondered why Shivaay would call him so late at night. Nevertheless, he picked it up.

"Yes, Shivaay?"

"Annika didn't know a thing. Why would you hide this from me? I thought you asked her consent before talking to me." Shivaay spoke on the other side.

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