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Alexandra's POV

The ride to the mall was peaceful. Damon drove his baby whilst Matteo sat shotgun and me and Elias were in the back.

It was starting to get a bit boring, no one was saying anything. I looked out of the window silently hoping we could get there quicker.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder and looked to my right. Elias was looking at me, giving me one of his Airpods whilst he put the other one in his own ear. I took it and put it in mine.

The rest of the ride consisted of me and Elias laughing and listening to a number of songs. Surprisingly we had similar tastes when it came to music. We both liked sad songs because you could actually relate to the things the singer's were singing about.

Soon, we had arrived at the mall and Damon parked the car in what looked to be his very own parking space.

Of course.

Leave it to these lot to own the flipping mall.

I got out the car making a mental note of how many guards were following us and their facial features and the weapons they were carrying.

You can never be too careful.

Especially with all that's going on with the Polish.

No you're, here to just let loose and be a normal teenager for once. Forget about the Polish and focus on just being Alexandra.

I hate to admit it but for once you're right.

I already been knew this information.

Whatever you cocky bitch.

Shut up you insecure little fucker.

I internally rolled my eyes at myself (if that's not a thing then imma make it a thing) and followed my overexcited brothers to the mall. Damon stayed back for a while to have a smoke.

I followed the two to countless stores. Damon met up with us when we went to Forever 21. We went to every single store in the building, the boys buying more things than me.

The boys stuck with me like glue and never left my side, which was hella annoying. We got a few looks from people probably wondering why three boys were following a teenage girl around.

They only left me alone when I asked to go into Victoria Secret but let's be real no boy wants to go in there.

As I was shopping buying a few perfumes, I noticed someone from the corner of my eye staring at me. My guard was instantly up and I was on full alert.

I decided to see if the figure would follow me so I exited the store and texted the boys saying I was going to the bathroom. I told them to buy some food and I would meet them there.

I put my phone back in my pocket and sure enough the person who I could now see was a man, was indeed behind me.


So much for having a 'normal' day.

I had to lose the guards so I made some sharp turns around the mall and walked in circles. I quickly made a dash for the bathroom whilst the guards walked around like headless chickens trying to find me.

Thankfully there was no one there so it was only me. I walked into a stall and locked the door behind me. I took off my shoes and put them on the floor. Me being the smart person I am had another pair of shoes in my bag for situations like this so I put them on hurriedly so I didn't have to step on the floor. Let's face it when are the bathrooms ever cleaned.

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