𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 𝔗𝔴𝔬

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Alexandras POV 

As promised, today will be spent catching up with my brothers.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to it.

I got dressed bright and early -not by choice - to go spend time with the first brother on my list.

I got dressed bright and early -not by choice - to go spend time with the first brother on my list

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How we'd decided who would spend time with me first was a long and difficult process.


"Rock paper scissors?" (Damon)

"No I'm rubbish at that, and you always cheat!" (Elias)


"Quiet. How about we each assign our self a number from 1-4 and the order that Alexandra chooses the numbers in is the order that we will spend time with her." (Alfonso)

"That's just unnecessary." (Matteo)

"And you could cheat by showing the number on your fingers." (Elias)

"Well then what do you suggest huh." (Alfonso)

"..." (Elias)

"That's what I thought." (Alfonso)

"Uuuuummmmmmmm..... let's flip a coin. " (Matteo)

"Where the fuck do you expect us to get a coin from, we're rich we only carry notes or cards." (Damon)

"Flip a note?" (Matteo)

"I- why do I even bother." (Alfonso)

"You boys seriously don't carry any coins?! Uugh take mine." (Alexandra)

"Thank you sorella." (Matteo)

"Wait, how do you guys get a shopping trolley if you don't have any coins on you?" (Alexandra)

"Simple. The future is online baby. You wouldn't catch me in a supermarket." (Damon)

"And that's why you're the spoilt one." (Elias)

"Can't help that I have better things to be doing with my time." (Damon)

"Yh like what?" (Elias)

"Having se-" (Damon)

"Ok that's enough from the both of you." (Alfonso and Matteo)

"Woah we said that at the same time." (Alfonso and Matteo)

"Stop it!" (Alfonso and Matteo)

"No you stop it!" (Alfonso and Matteo)

"How about you both fucking stop it so we can get this shit over with." (Alexandra)

"LANGUAGE!" (Alfonso, Matteo, Damon and Elias)

"Whatever just flip the coin." (Alexandra)

"Heads it's between me and Alfonso, tails it's between Damon or Elias." (Matteo)

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