𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 𝔉𝔦𝔳𝔢: 𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔗𝔴𝔬

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Alexandra's POV

Arriving to the club just on time, I parked my car, quickly taking off my green contacts before stepping outside.

The booming sound of music could be heard from miles away. It really was a busy day today.

I couldn't help but look around suspiciously around the car park. It felt as if I was being watched.

However I didn't see anyone nearby. If someone is watching me, acting suspicious is not the way to go.

It's much safer to pretend I have no clue and maybe the person will slip up and accidentally reveal themselves.

It's a long shot but it might just work.

Confidently, I made my way towards the entrance where a guard was stationed. As soon as the guard looked my way he instantly moved to the side letting me through.

Nodding my head as a way to say thank you I walked inside. The smell of alcohol attacking my senses. 

I looked around. Alaric had told me to look for a man with a red and yellow tie.

An odd choice of tie if I do say so myself.

Glancing around I couldn't see anyone that fit that description so I ventured forward through the club making my way to the bar where I ordered a drink whilst I waited.

Gulping it down in one swift motion, a man lurking in the corner of the room caught my eye.

Upon closer inspection, I realised that it was the man who I was supposed to follow.

The man with the red and yellow tie.

I got up walking towards him. He saw me giving me a slight nod, turning around to open a door disguised as another one of the club's walls.

He walked through and I followed behind him. We were in a long dimly lit corridor. The soundproof walls that looked as though they were peeling off with age, blocking out any noises from the club.  

A thick smell lingering in the air that made my stomach churn. The man never spoke a word once. He just led me to a huge metal door situated at the end of the corridor leaving me there, before vanishing out of sight.


Scoffing in annoyance, I pushed at the metal door to get it open. Surprisingly it was quite a cheap old metal so it slid open easily.

Pushing it open the smell of smoke filled my lungs. The voices of men conversing could be heard. Fighting the urge to cough, I made my presence know.


Immediately all sounds in the room stopped. The cigarette smoke had started to clear and I could now see clearly. Behind a desk sat Alaric smoking a cigar. Beside him two men, all staring at me.

"White wolf, just on time."

I manouvered my way towards his desk standing in front of it.

"I wasn't aware that there were going to be any guests joining us." I eyed the two men who gulped sharing worried looks.

"Leave men." Alaric ordered. I smirked as the men hurriedly ran out the door not even arguing. "Please, take a seat." 

He pointed to a small chair in front of his desk. I looked at him like he'd grown two heads.

Bitch, you need MY help. The least you could do is show me some respect.

Walking around the desk, I stopped at his fancy office chair and smirked. He looked at me clearly confused.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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