𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 𝔗𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢

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Unknown POV

"My dearest men, everything seems to be going just according to plan. Soon our weapon will return to us."

12 glasses of whisky are lifted, and brought to the lips of 12 sinister looking men around a huge Oakwood round table.

In unison the men gulp down the bitter liquid and place their glass on the table with a little clink.

Discussion starts to spread like wildfire as the men whisper to each other. The topic of discussion regarding one thing and one thing only.

The weapon.

In hopes of regaining control of his subjects, the man at the heart of it all cleared his throat silencing the room.

All eyes on him. Everyone's ears listening to what he had to say. He had all the attention, something he craved almost as much as power.

"Gentlemen, we will speak further once we hear any updates. For now let us conclude this meeting. On your way out, bring in project 7."

11 chairs scraped against the concrete floor in the office getting ready to leave. All carrying their briefcases in one hand, their other by their side.

In an orderly fashion, they all leave in the same direction, bar one who breaks from the group in another direction.

Silence filled the office. The black hearted man refilled his glass with the alcoholic beverage waiting for project 7 to arrive.

He didn't have to wait long, as a feeble tapping sound was heard on his door.

"Enter." He commanded the person on the other side.

In all their glory stood project 7. Stepping forward the person stood in front of the man's desk, hands by their side as if they were a soldier speaking to their general.

"Here and ready to comply sir." The person's monotone voice spoke as if someone had ordered them.

"Very good loyal companion. I will set forth upon you a mission which you must complete to the highest standard. I expect no less than perfection from you. Am I clear."

Project 7 couldn't help but gulp at this requirement. Nobody was perfect. They knew they were going to mess up and anger their master in some way.

They nod their head as a sign to show their leader that they understand, but obviously that was a mistake.

Their master brings out a whip from behind his desk. Standing up, he angrily lashed the poor soul on their back a total of 10 times, as project 7 shut their eyes tight, biting their lip in order to stop themself from whimpering out in pain.


Falling to the floor in agony, the project desperately tries to get back on their feet, heaving up their painful body with all their might. All while their master watched on enjoying seeing the pain he caused.

"I-I'm sorry master, it won't happen again. I understand that this mission has to be perfect." Shit. They prayed their master didn't hear them stutter.

"That's good news. For that answer I'll overlook your little stuttery voice at the start of your sentence but you better remember that next time I will punish you for being weak like that. Remember men aren't weak." 

"Yes sir. I am a man. There is no room for weakness." Came again the monotone voice of the unfortunate project. (A/N Don't take this too seriously! Men can be weak and anyone who says otherwise is not worth your time!)

"I should hope so. Now for your mission. You must keep a close eye on my weapon, the white wolf. Under no circumstances must you or your identity be revealed to her. If by any chance you were to be seen, not only would it ruin my whole plan, but also, I will curse you with such a fate that will leave you begging for death to take you from my wrath. Do you understand your mission project 7?"

Hesitantly, the project agreed to the his masters orders even though the thought of potentially having to harm anyone once again made him quake in his boots.

"The white wolf will be heading to Blue Oceans night club in approximately 30 minutes, giving you enough time to prepare yourself and get into position. She will be meeting with a man named Alaric Neumann, don't pay him much attention, he is but a little pawn in my great plan. Too focused on power that he doesn't even know he's being used, and then, I will get my weapon once and for all."

The grim dark voice of the cold man brought shivers down the projects spine.

"If I may ask, master, how does this Alaric person help you get your weapon back?"

His master looked at him annoyed. He gulped squeezing his hand in a fist behind his back. His nail jabbing into his skin, hating himself for asking such questions that could get him into trouble.

Why did he have to be such a curious soul?

"Must I explain everything for your underdeveloped pea sized brain to understand."

The man sighed rolling his eyes clearly pissed off. Project 7 bit the inside of his mouth nervously terrified that his master would flip the switch and yell at him at any second.

"Alaric does all the hard work of getting the white wolf in a situation where she is not around those people she calls family. With them out the picture, we can easily take her back. I get my weapon and Alaric gets to be the leader of the Russian mafia once the white wolf kills the current heir.

To fulfill Alarics side of the bargain however, we can only take her once she has killed Adrian meaning that we will take her on the day of her big mission. In other words 'The Big Day',"

"I hope you understood that because I'm not going to be repeating it for your stupid self."

'Yes! I now understand master."

"Good now get to work. My masterpiece should be leaving soon and I want you ready in position before she gets there."

"Ok master." The project bowed his head before leaving robotically shutting the door carefully behind him.

Leaning forward in his chair the man poured himself another glass. Standing up, the glass in his right hand pressed against his lips he stared out his office window.

A devious smirk making it's way on his lips.

Looks like I'll be seeing you very soon my little monster.


Hey lovelies

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and before you come after me I know it was short.

The next chapter will be back in Alexandra's POV and the main focus will be about her meeting with Alaric. Note that everything that was going on in this chapter was happening whilst Alexandra was getting ready to go to the meeting place.

The next chapter will be much longer ♡

I hope you have a good day/night!

Bye lovelies ♡

K xx

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