Chapter 3

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16 years ago.

"No, please no. I don't want to go." I screamed trying to get away, but they don't budge. One of the scary men inject me with something and slowly my struggling ceased then I fell limp in the other's arms.

My body ignored all my commands to move, to fight for our freedom and because of my panic state I couldn't use my magic to protect myself.

The guy walked towards a black van and placed me in the trunk. He cuffed my arms and legs then left me alone on the cold floor.

My lips started trembling and my shoulder shook as a great sob escape me. The fact that I'm leaving my home unwilling sets down on me.

Why didn't they want me? Why didn't they protect me? It was only an accident, can't they see that?

"Hush child." A familiar voice shouted from the entrance of the van back. "There's no need to be crying, it's for the best." Grandma told me.

"Please don't do this. I didn't mean to hurt anyone." I choked up.

"This isn't the right place for someone like you. You're not pure, you'll only bring destruction. It was only for the sake of your mother and sister that we didn't kill you." My cries increased and the doors slammed making me jump.

If only I could move or run away from here.

If only they would accept me.



Where the hell am I?

Why does my head hurt so bad?

What happened?

Where's Amber?


The previous event came back to me, alarmed I quickly sat up but regretted it immediately. A sharp stab of pain made me cautious of my movements.

I slowly made my way to stand up. Panting, I spotting Amber's small form on the opposite side I used the large couch for support and approached her.

Wait, small form?

The closer I got the more I got confused. There's a little girl curled up, unconscious on the floor. Her red curly hair cover parts of her face and her pink lips slightly parted. She's an exact resemblance of Amber's younger self, the body of a five year old.

What the actual hell?

How was this possible?

Not wanting to waste time I tried to lift the body, it was really painful but I managed. Placing her on the couch, I proceed to carefully wake her up. She stirred and slowly open her eyes letting out a silent yawn.

"Amber?" I whispered.

"Mommy?" She looked at her arms with wide eyes, then her legs. "What happened to me?" She started panicking.

"I don't know. We will figure it out." I assured her. "Are you ok-"

"ahhhhh!!!!!" Amber screamed falling down to the floor. I immediately went by her side. "It hurts. It hurts. Ahhhh." She sobbed.

I kneeled beside her. "Where does it hurt?" I asked worried.

"Every where hurts. Every where."


Sorry for the short chapter.

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