Chapter 43

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"This will help you feel better," Mikayla cautiously whispered. She was seated before me with some old, torn cloth, and an ice pack. I cried softly as She placed the ice pack on my sprained ankle.

"I'm sorry," she apologized. "this will stop the swelling." Then, she securely wrapped my injured foot with the cloth, which she tore off her own clothes.

"You need to rest now," she said laying at my side. "You have to do your chores tomorrow but I'll help you in every way I can." When I shook my head, she continued.

"Aiden will punish us either way." She signed. "I hate that jerk." She spat.

When I was walking down the stairs, after I did my chores, Aiden pushed me and I sprained my ankle hitting the bottom of the stairs. He left me crying as he walked away laughing. Mikayla came and helped me back to our 'room'. I was so weak from all their torture and unnecessary tasks they gave us, I knew that they were capable of doing it themselves.

"I'm really tired Mikayla, I can't take this anymore." I weakly told her.

"I'm tired too," she admitted, "that doesn't mean we are going to give up."

"Yes, we can. I should have allowed them to beat me to death." I said giving up. Mikayla joined our hands together and turned on her side, facing me.

"Don't say that, we'll make it out, alive." She said hopefully. "Then we'll find my big brother, he'll love you too."

I turned my head to look at her in question. "How do you know he's alive?" I asked.

"He wasn't with our parents and I when I was taken, he was staying with our grandparents." She answered.

"Oh, will you leave me when you find him?" I asked scared of her response.

She giggled, "I will never leave you silly. You and Miles are the only family I have now." She confirmed.

"You're the only family I have." I smiled. "I don't think I'd make it this far without you."

"The feeling is mutual," she smiled back. "And I'll never leave you behind."

"Pinky promise?" I held out my Pinky for her, without hesitation she hooked our fingers together and said "pinky promise."

"I'll always be there when you need me, Aurelia."


This isn't happening.

It's not real.

It's just a dream and I would woke up any moment now.

It's not real.

It's not real.

"Aurelia, Miles, I know this is hard for both of you, but we need to leave Aiden's pack now." Lavinia stated, bringing me back from my thoughts. Not waiting for a response she whispered a transportation spell and we appeared before the pack house once again. I looked around for Mikayla, waiting for her to walk out and laugh at the look on my face; she didn't, she was no where around. Miles looked so shocked and torn apart, was this really happening.

I turned away and ran towards the woods, towards the one place I knew I could sort my thoughts out. I got there and threw myself on the log, the view of the waterfall didn't change anything, nothing would at this point.

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