Chapter 13

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Uh, Rae?" Lavinia nervously asked. "Can we please talk?"

"About what?" I asked enjoying the sun on my skin.

"That night when you ran away. What truly happened?" She sounded extremely desperate.

"We already know that you were the reason my party was ruined and the reason Lavinia has that scar on her arm, we just don't remember how." Meg said. "No one remembers what happened that night."

I sat up and crossed my legs. "Isn't that enough?"

"No we need to know. Rae stop acting like this, you're not a child anymore, there's no reason why we can't talk like the adults we are." Lavinia told me.

"Ask your mother." I said through gritted teeth standing up walking towards the house going straight towards the room.

I slammed the door pacing around the room, the memory replayed in my mind over and over again.


16 years ago.

I laid on the cold concrete floor looking at the bars of my cell hoping my mother would come for me. Why is it that she never stop them from carrying me down here? Doesn't she miss me? It's been two weeks since I disobeyed the elders orders and I haven't seen her or my older sister since then.

I heard footsteps coming closer towards the cell, with all my strength I stand running towards it, hoping it was her.

"Mommy." I cried when I saw her face.

"Aurelia." She sighed. "Are you ok baby?"

I nodded sniffling from all the crying. Another figure came towards us, I backed away seeing my grandmother's intense glare on me.

"Have you learnt your lesson child?" She asked still glaring.

"Yes, I won't use my powers again. I'm sorry." I apologized.

"Aurelia, tonight is Meghan's celebration, she officially graduated from primary level." My mother informed me. "You are allowed to go." She smiled sadly at me.

"But if you even think about using magic, the consequences will be even more severe." My grandmother warned.

"I won't." I nodded.

My mother opened the cell and I jumped in her arms crying. I'm carried out of the abundant warehouse and in our family's house. Mother carried me to a room, there's a bed in middle with a dresser and no other furniture. Familiar toys were scattered across the floor and small shoes beside the bed. It's the room which belonged to me, I wouldn't call it mine because I've never actually slept here.

Mom helped me take a bath, then I was given a pink dress to wear. I don't really like the color but I didn't mention anything because I didn't want her to get mad at me.

Mother chanted a spell, my hair started to move on it's own until it was in a bun. Mother is one of the most powerful witches here, I wish I could go to school to learn the spells so I could be like her one day, but I'm not allowed.

"Come on, let's go get her sister." Mother said taking my hand, I excitedly got off the bed wanting to see my sister.

"Rae Rae." She screamed happily when we entered her room.

"Livvy." I hugged her. "I missed you."

"I missed you too Rae." She mumbled.

Mother and grandmother told Lavinia that I'm visiting a human school because I don't have any powers.

"Is she coming to Meghan's party?" She asked excitedly.

"Yes." Mom laughed at her happiness.

Dad entered the room kissing mom on the cheek then turned to Lavinia. "There's my little pumpkin." He chuckled tickling Livvy, she started giggling telling him to stop.

"I got a surprise for you." He stated.

"You do?" Lavinia asked happily.

"Yes it's downstairs, go get it." He lets her go and she ran downstairs.

"Father, do you have a gift for me too?" I asked shyly.

He face turns cold and he looks at me with hatred. "How many times have I warned you not to called me that? You're not my offspring, how could I been related to an abomination like you. I might allow you to stay in this house but that doesn't mean I like you." He screamed.

I looked down at the floor tears clouding my vision, spilling when he walked away.

My mom's hands cup my cheeks wiping my face. "I'm sorry that things turned out this way Aurelia, I'm sorry about everything." She mumbled hugging me. I wrapped my arms around her neck trying hard not to cry anymore.

"Mommy why does everyone hates me?" I whispered.

"They don't hate you, ." She pulled us apart looking in my eyes. "People fear what they don't understand."

"But why am I considered different?"

"Oh Aurelia, you're not different; you're special."

I don't feel special, I'm a freak. I will never belong. She's not going to stop them from taking me, she'll always allow it.

"One day, someone is gonna help you see your worth. For now, I'll be by your side always. I'll do my best to protect, I'm always gonna be here." She smiled.

"Promise?" I brought my hand up poking out my Pinky.

"Pinky Promise." She hooked our fingers together and kissed me on my cheek.

"Now, let's get you cleaned up."

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