Chapter 17

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"Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."
– Joshua Marine


Aurelia pov

I walked up to the bloody mess on the floor which the body laid. His eyes were already swollen over, his face was covered in dried blood and his clothes were a mess. His shaking arms were wrapped around his guts protecting his already broken ribs. As I approached him, his eyes widen in fear, he tried to move away but failed miserably as he was experiencing so much pain.

I smirked while I sat facing him. The sickening metallic scent coated the atmosphere, it was suffocating but I got used to being surrounded by blood after being around it my whole life.

"Now that we got all that out of the way, it's time for you to answer my questions so I can put you out of your misery." I said crossing my legs.

"Why did you set me up, Simon?" I urged. Simon and I once worked together on a job, he was one of the only persons that knew my identity.

It's been a week since I've left Lichen pack, a whole week since I've seen Amber. There wasn't a minute that went by without me thinking of her. I left without a word and I'll never forgive myself for breaking my promise. At the time I did what I thought was right for myself, I needed time to process everything, I needed space. First, Amber got sick and I had to take her out of hiding, then I met my 'sister' and a supposedly 'mate'. It was too much to wrap my head around, my insides were drowning as I tried to ignore the memories of my past. The flashbacks weren't supposed to happen, i wanted them to stay buried forever.

"We were paid," he paused coughing up blood and tried to catch his breath before continuing. "Paid to ca-capture you."

"By who?"

He was having difficulty breathing and tried his hardest to. "We don't know, we aren't suppose to ask questions." He choked out. He was right. The organization had its rules, one warning us not to ask question when given a task.

I took out one of the syringe I was shot with and brought it to his face. "And what's this?"

He observed it for a while before answering. "Some kind of substance that was sent in the package, we were given strict instructions to use it on you." He choked

"Are you even aware of what its supposed to do?" I asked throwing the syringe in the corner of the dark room. Simon shook his head no, for his breathing came out panting.

"Were you expecting someone else with me?" I referred to Amber. He claimed that they were waiting on me but I need to know if anyone knew about Amber.

He nodded once and my breath hitched.

"After I got you, I was suppose to snatch another other werewolf chick, then eliminate the blood alpha." He clarified and I frowned my brows.

"The blood alpha? Isn't that one of the alphas from the Lichen pack?"

I remembered that time Amber asked Campbell about being the blood alpha. What the hell does this have to do with him? Why would someone want him dead?

"What does this have to do with him?" I questioned. A dull ache formed in my chest, the thought of Campbell fueled it. When I left, it was intense. I thought nothing of it at first, however, when I thought about him the agonizing feeling made it self known.

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