Chapter 8

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"If I stay, where are you going to be?" She asked, worry forming in her beautiful eyes.

"I can't stay, you know that." Amber gave me some napkins from the bed and we started cleaning the floor. "Whomever did this to me is still out there, I need to know what they did and I need to take them out."

"You said it yourself, you can't do anything right now because you can't even do magic. How are you going to deal with that type of stuff?" Amber argued.

"Bruh, you're too smart for your age." I chuckled.

"I was once your age though." She smiled. "Do you think I'll change again?"

"I'm not sure about anything really." I answered truly. "But I don't think it will happen. Maybe you'll grow up at a normal rate now."

The door opened, showing Graciela next to Caleb looking at us.

"What happened?" They both asked at the same time.

"Nothing." I answered. "Amber will be staying here." I told them still cleaning.

"Really?" Caleb sounds confused. "This doesn't look like nothing, you're covered in blood!"

"I want Amber to join the pack."

"No." Amber shouted.

"Ce n'est pas à discuter." ("This is not up for discussion.") I said in French because I didn't know where my sister was and she spoke Russian.

"Si tu me laisse ici je m'enfuirai."
("if you leave me here i will run away.") Amber said standing up crossing her arms.

"Ou je vais chercher les gars moi-même. J'utiliserai mes capacités, je les montrerai au monde entier." ("Or I'll go out and look for the guys myself.I'll use my abilities, show it to the whole world.") She said again before I could say no.

"Ok." I sighed, "You win." I turned to Caleb and Graciela. "Both of us are staying for now."

"Ill tell the others." Caleb smiled walking off.

"Or you sure that you're ok?" Graciela asked looking directly at me. I nodded and throwing the napkins away.


I cleaned up, then Caleb carried Amber and I to the room we were in before. Campbell, Clyde and Lavinia were already there. Clyde and Lavinia sat on the leather couch and Campbell stood behind it.

"Amber, this is Alpha Campbell, Alpha Clyde and luna Lavinia." Caleb introduced every one to Amber.

"There's no need for titles Amber." Lavinia smiled.

Amber nodded showing that she understood. Campbell took a knife and came towards us with it. He's lucky that Graciela told us about the ceremony for joining the pack because I would have attacked him.

He kneeled before Amber and gave her a small smile. He took Amber's hands in his large ones and slowly sliced it, making sure not to make it too deep then he did the same to his.

He connected their bloody hands together and then cleaned both their hands with a white rag. Within seconds it began to heal.

Amber gasped when Campbell let go.

"What's wrong?" I asked worried.

"I can hear them, the pack." Amber smiled

Campbell comes towards me to do the same but I shook my head telling them that I'm not joining in.

"They felt it when you joined. Amber try blocking everyone from your mind, that's if you don't want a headache." Lavinia smiled and Amber nodded.

"Welcome to the pack." Clyde deep voice said causing Amber to slightly jump.

"Thank you," she whispered cautiously.

"Do other packs come here often?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Caleb asked.

"Other packs, do their come here for meetings?" I asked trying not to give anything away.

"We don't really get ourselves involved with other packs." Caleb said.

"They tend to avoid us." Clyde added. "And we don't really want to deal with pack drama and such."

"We made alliance to avoid conflicts. Other than the counsel meetings we don't interact with others." Campbell said.

"Ok." I nodded. Who would have thought about that, I guess Amber will be safe here after all.

"I'll show you to your rooms." Lavinia said standing up.

"Caleb will do it." I told her already walking away with caleb behind me.

"Ok." I heard her sigh behind us.

"What's the deal with you two?" Caleb asked once we were away. "Are you guys really sisters?"

"You have a sister?" Amber asked surprised.

"We talk about that later." I told her then continue walking. "Caleb, why do you even care?"

"I just want to know. Lavinia has never mention having a sister, Clyde is angry that she left out that part of her life." Caleb said going upstairs.

"Well, there's no point talking about me." I told him.

"Are her?" Caleb asked trying to find the right words.

"You mean a witch? No." I confirmed.

The stairs led us to a hallway decorated with white walls and paintings.

"Do you guys need your own rooms?"

"Yes!!!" Amber answered Caleb.

"Hmmm, you sure you want to sleep all by yourself kid?" Caleb grinned.

"I'm not you, I can afford to sleep by myself, kid." Amber said back and Caleb looked confused at her answer.

He smirked then pointed to a door on the right." Ok brave lady, that room is yours."

Amber opened the door frowning. "It could be bigger."

"Bigger?" Caleb questioned.

"Never mind, mom and I will decorate." Amber turned back to us. "You won't leave, right?"

"I won't."

"Pinky Promise?" She asked showing her pinky.

I hook our fingers together, "Pinky Promise." I said truly.

Amber goes to her room then Caleb told me that the one opposite to it belongs to me.

"Do you guys have any clothes?" Caleb asked when we entered the room.

"Yeah, in the car." I answered his question.

"I got to go, I see you later, shordie." Caleb said leaving.

"Why are you still calling me that, you know my name." I crossed my arms.

"You also told Lavinia not to call you by your name." He smirked and left closing the door.

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