Chapter 4

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"Thank you for choosing Mc Donalds, how may I help you?" the employee asked from the window, a forced smile plastered on her face.

"I'll have a Big Mac, a Quarter pounder and a large hot chocolate." I told her. She gave me my order, collected the money and just like that I'm on my way. I placed the chocolate in the cup holder and the burgers in the passenger's seat.

It's been 3 days since Amber has been experiencing pain. I've tried everything, and I do mean everything, to help her but I don't even know what's wrong. No medication helped with the pain. Her only escape was sleep.

This entire situation was confusing.

Amber had the image of a sixteen year old, then Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo she's a five year old again. I mean that's how she's supposed to look but is there such a thing as aging backwards?

I need to figure out what's going on, unfortunately I'm not fully educated about her species, neither fae nor werewolves. I know the basics, their strengths and weaknesses so I could defend myself if I ever had to.

I'm convinced that she's the last of her kind so there's no point trying. There's only one thing left to do, reaching out to other werewolves. We've been avoiding them for years now we wanted their help, how amazing.

This means that I have to take Amber out of hiding. I'm sure that the packs in Russian gave up on her existence but I want to go about this the right way.

For Amber's safety and wellbeing I'm choosing to ask for-. I'm choosing to ask for.....for help. Argggg.

I glance at her in the back sound asleep.

'For Amber's sake' I told myself.

I sipped some of my hot chocolate peeking at my watch noting that it's only 3AM. Several hours, the longest I've ever driven, I really miss my powers. Whatever that idiot shot me with mess up everything, sometimes I can hardly breathe and move, I can't use any magic and I'm bleeding from my ears, nose and mouth. The pain is now  temporary gone because of the pain meds.

I remember hearing of this pack lead by three alphas. I don't know how that worked out but it did, I mean there had to be great complications having so many alphas running one pack. I don't even care, I just need to know what's wrong with Amber and we'll be on our way.

Amber is classified as a rogue due to not being apart of a pack. Lichen pack won't have a problem with that, apparently they don't have a policy against them, which just makes things easier for me.

I'm hoping  that they won't ask any questions...

My head started to hurt again, a warning that the meditation was wearing off. I quickly pulled over, ate, then took the pills.

I drove for thirty minutes before I came across what I assumed to be the pack grounds.

The road led to a huge gateway, a group of men stood on the otherside, and by the looks of it they are having a humorous conversation.

So unprofessional.

I rolled down the window to talk to the guard approaching us.

"Are you lost miss?" He asked. I'm guessing that he thought I was a human.

"No, I need medical attention for my daughter." I said trying not to sound annoyed or rude. I rarely talked to any other person, Amber was the only one. "She's a werewolf." I added seeing the confusion on his face.

He looked at the back seat and then nodded. He walked away and another person approached the car. He's much more built than the rest of them and the fact that I can feel the power radiating from here told me that he is an alpha, wearing black tshirt and black pants, his fiery red hair made a great combo with his blue eyes.

He entered the passenger's seat without a word, the gate opens and I entered. Few minutes later he started giving directions to what I assume is the hospital.

"After she's checked in, we'll discuss matters." His deep voice stated.

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