Chapter 10

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"Accept what comes and allow it to leave when it's time."

1 week later

One of my favorite things to do in the morning, taking a jog in the forest. I woke up 5AM after going to bed at 3AM, not being able to sleep I left the pack house and headed towards the forest for a run.

I felt free from everything, the wind and trees were now the only obstacles in my way. After running a few miles I came across a waterfall, below was a large river. I rested on a log and took in the view. The waterfall was at least a 30 foot jump into the river.

I hope I'll have the chance to try it one day. That's if I learn how to swim.

Caleb some how convinced me to enroll Amber to an all-age school which the other kids and teenagers attend. Of course Amber loves it there but we agreed for her to not even give them a glimpse of her powers.

I had to avoid going places at the house because of Meg and Lavinia, they're constantly trying to get me to talk to them. All of a sudden they interested in my life like nothing happened 16 years ago, well at least Meg made it clear that she doesn't like me.

After we came from the mall last week, Caleb gave Amber and I some books to catch up on werewolves and sorts. I mainly read about the soulmates thingy, and I've avoided Campbell since.

I don't want anyone thinking I was made specifically for them, I belong to no one.
I don't care what some stupid bond says, I'm not the one for Campbell or that other idiot. I'm submitting to no one.

I'm not comfortable here.

I'm used to being around myself and Amber, now everything has changed. My past memories are slowly coming to attack me.

Before Amber I was free and ruthless, now I'm hiding away from the enemy. Five years ago, I would have brought the fight to them, now I'm a stay at home mom.

I'm not saying that Amber was a mistake but this is just not me, I've even locked away part of myself for her. And I was the one saying that I'll never hide who I am to please anyone when I did it for Amber.

I did it so that she could have a childhood I never did.

Flashes of my past came one after the other, from the accident to when I was carried away to where they used me. I became angry that I made all that sh*t slide in the past, I was a child but I should have defended myself, I was weak. And I still am, weak.

Grumpily, I got up and walked back to the house. I need to train, that should take my mind off all this. I can't even do that with Amber because of school, at least I don't have to homeschool her anymore.

I made sure to make a mental note of the direction to the waterfall so I could visit again.


"Is that better"

"Yes, I love it." Amber squealed looking in the mirror.

"You have too much hair for your age." I commented. Her hair was very thick and extremely long. "The bus will be here any minute, you should get going." I gave Amber her bag back and she leaves giving me a tight hug.

What should I do today? I asked myself when the door closes.

I need to occupied my time here, I could start investigating on my current issue. I need to find out what really happened.

How were they so prepared for our arrival?

Obviously, I was lured there, but by who and why?

Did they know that Amber would be there?

And who are they?

This would be easier if I had my powers, I'd be in places quicker. I'm not willing to risk anything so I'll have to do this the hard way.

My stomach started rumbling, signing that it needed to be energized. I wasn't surprised due to the fact that I've barely eaten all week. It's time to feed the beast.

My plan for the day was to sleep away my existence which is why I'm wearing a extra large shirt, very short leggings and socks. The luxury of sleeping freely. I don't even know how persons sleep in joggers, jeans and such; sometimes I only sleep in shirt and underwear.

I'm a violent sleeper that's why Amber doesn't sleep with me anymore. I accidentally kicked her off the bed once, whoops.

I'll just make a quick snack and be back here. I left the room and made my way to the kitchen. Of course, the person I didn't want to see was there.

Idiot, you're staying at his house so he's likely to be everywhere.

His back was turned towards me, his focus seems to be on whatever he was preparing at the stove. His posture tensed when I entered but quickly goes back to doing whatever he was up to.

Even though it's quite a hot weather Campbell's wearing a hoodie with plain black pants. I notice that he has a lot of sweaters and hoodies, he basically wears them every day.

"Hi." His voice smooth my ears, I craved it.

"Hi." I replied shaking away that awful thought. Why am I like this around him?

"Where's the peanut butter?" I asked remembering what I came here for.

"The cupboard to your left." he directed still not looking at me.

The cupboards were way too high for me to reach, even if I went on my toes. I took one of the stools from the counter and angled it right under. Carefully, I climbed on the stool successfully reaching the cupboards.

Opening it, I searched through jars of jams and jellies until I found the peanut butter and I also took a grape flavored jelly to make a pbj sandwich.

I backed away forgetting than I'm actually not on the ground. The sudden movement caused me to lose my balance and I fall backwards from the stool.

I prepared for the impact but shrieked when I fell in a pair of arms. My eyes were tightly closed and had a firm grip on the jars. A tingling sensation danced below my knees and upper back that made contact.

I slowly opened my eyes only to find Campbell staring down at me. This is the very first time we've ever touched each other, the feeling was comforting.

Being this close, I could see the small, almost unnoticeable, grey color mixed with his baby blue eyes and the small freckles on his nose. His curly black hair was covering most of his forehead and he had a freshly buzz cut. Not to mention his intoxicating scent.

"Are you ok?" He said after our stare off.

Unable to speak for the moment I nodded. He let's out a small sigh placing be back on my feet. For a brief moment his eyes trailed to my legs and then back to my face.

"Why were you on the stool?" He asked walking back to the stove.

"Not everyone is as tall as you skyscraper." I remarked putting the peanut butter on the counter and getting the bread.

"So you're admitting to being short?" Campbell chuckled.

"Nope." I said popping the P. I started making three sandwiches for myself.

Campbell turned off the stove, placing whatever he was preparing in some dishes. The smell was so mouthwatering.

After three sandwiches and a glass of orange juice it felt like a warm up.

What should I eat next?

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