Chapter 12

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"Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else."
-Margaret Mead


"Is there a gym around here?" I asked Campbell when we entered the kitchen.

"Yes, there is." He mumbled going to do the dishes. "We also train every morning 6-8, you can join if you want." He looked back at me smiling.

"You allow women to train?" I asked surprised.

"Yes, we make sure that everyone knows how to defend themselves." Campbell said.


Most packs, that I've been to, don't allow women to do anything, their only job is to bear pups and stay at home.

"You use weapons?"

"Use weapons for what?" I heard Lavinia's voice. She and Meg entered the room sitting at the island where I was.

"Yeah, weapons for what?" Meg repeated.

"Aurelia was just asking about our training techniques." Campbell said not looking at us.

"We make sure everyone can fight in both human and wolf form." Lavinia said. "It's Clyde and I's responsibility."

"And weapons are use as well." Meg added.

"We make sure to have our own sessions too to practice our spells." Lavinia informed.

"We would love for you to come but you can't do magic." Megs forced smiled.

I hold more power than both of you combined.

"If I could do magic you wouldn't be talking right now." I forced smile at her also.

"Mom!" Amber voice screamed.

"Hey." I greeted when she hugged me.

"We went for ice cream." Caleb grinned handing me Amber's bag.

"I paid." Clyde added walking in. He kissed Lavinia's forehead, sitting beside her.

"Why did school end so early?" I asked.

"It's Friday." Caleb answered.

"I love fridays." Amber beamed.

"What's for lunch, chef?" Caleb asked Campbell.

"Go and help yourself." Cam said sitting beside Meg.

"No." Clyde, Meg and Lavinia screamed.

"That hurts." Caleb said fake pouting.

Lavinia and Meg went to heat the food in the microwave for everyone.

"I learned a lot today." Amber stated.

"Like what?" Campbell asked.

"Every pack needs a Luna, alpha, beta and third in command." Amber smiled.

"That's true, but not our pack." Caleb added.

"Because our pack have three alphas, we didn't see the need for any betas." Clyde added.

"Each of us, have a specific task to take care of." Campbell added.

"I also learnt that each pack is gifted with a blood line of fae descendants." Amber said looking at me grinning.

"Wait what?" I looked at the others for answers.

"For centuries shifters and fae folks have been cooperating with each other. They help with protecting the pack." Clyde explained.

"Along with the alpha, they are a pack's prized possession." Lavinia said.

Is that the reason why Amber's alpha offered to pay so much for her return? Was Amber their's?

"So fairies exist?" I asked. This really caught my attention, if it's true Amber won't be alone anymore and we can get answers.

"Yes." Caleb confirmed.

"Does this pack have one?" Amber asked excitedly.

"Aurelia met her to today." Cam said.

Wait. Evelyn?

"Shordie met Evelyn?" Caleb asked amused.

"Yeah, they got along just fine." Campbell smiled.

"She asked about me, didn't she?" Caleb asked. "I'll always be her favorite."

"Yeah right, Evelyn hates your guts." Lavinia stated, she whispered a spell and a plate of Food appeared in front of everyone.

She and Meg sat down and everyone started to eat.

"Y'all just jealous because you don't have the same connection with her." Caleb boosted.

"Whatever you say." Clyde mumbled eating his food.

"Are you guys sure you're alphas?" Amber asked. "You don't act like it, they said that the alphas of the Lichen pack are anything but kind and gentle. Especially Campbell, who's known as the blood alpha." Amber rambled on.

Wait Campbell is the blood Alpha? I've heard about him and Campbell doesn't live up to the expectation. See, I should stop expecting things. I just get disappointed in the end.

"Just because we're alphas doesn't mean we should act like it. We need to be respected by our pack not fear." Clyde said first.

"What we did, was to protect our people and we'll do it again." Caleb interjected.

What did they do?

"Yantar', bol'she nikakikh voprosov, eto grubyo." I said in Russian.
(Amber no more questions, you're being rude.)

"Sorry." She mumbled.

I know that she's excited but I have a feeling that the guys don't want to talk about it. It's there business not ours.

"Amber would you like to go for a run?" Campbell asked noticing her frown.

"Now?" Amber asked.

"Yes, in wolf form." Campbell stated.

Amber face lit up and she immediately agreed.

After we finished eating all of us went behind the house. I sat down on the glass, with Lavinia and Meg in suit, while the guys talk Amber throughly about shifting again.

"You need to think about how it felt when you shifted the first time, it won't be painful. " Clyde told her and she nodded.

"Clear your mind and don't fight it." Caleb interjected.

Amber ran into the forest and came back mintues after in wolf form. Caleb and Clyde shifted then joined us. One of them were pitch black and the other had an ash blonde color. I assumed that the blonde one was Caleb. Amber looked like an ant beside them.

Amber ran to me and started linking my face. "Ew, Amber stop." I laughed and she backed away barking.She turns to the guys and it seemed like they were communicating through the mind link thingy.

"Their going to take Amber hunting." Campbell said sitting beside me.

"And why aren't you with them?" I asked confused, he was the one that suggested it and wasn't not going.

"Campbell doesn't shift." Meg answered.

"Ok." I didn't need to know anymore about the matter.

The three wolves ran off leaving us in absolute silence. I looked at my watch, it's only 3:56. I laid on my back on the grass placing my hand over my eyes to block the sun.

Let there be peace.

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