Chapter 15

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Campbell's POV.

"Mikayla wants us to visit her next week." Clyde said from the fireplace.

"We know exactly what Mikayla wants." Caleb wiggled his eyebrows in my direction.

"You and Caleb can go, I'll stay here." I suggested.

"You and I both know that she wants to see you." Clyde looked at me knowingly.

"Life is full of disappointments, She'll understand." I told them talking a sip from my glass of vodka.

"You can just tell her  you found your mate. She can't do anything about that." Clyde said.

"But shordie doesn't even want to acknowledge the fact that they're mates." Caleb added.

"Neither did Campbell, he never actually talked to her about it. I doubt she even know anything about mates. "

"Clyde, we both know that Campbell won't force anything on anyone." Caleb said, filling another glass of whiskey. "Plus, shordie said she don't like alphas."

"Do you think that it has something to do with Amber's father? I'm not jumping to any conclusions, but Amber is from an alpha's bloodline." Clyde suggested.

"For arguments sake, say that Amber is the daughter of an alpha, and he is the reason why shordie feels that way about alphas." Caleb backed up Clyde's theory.

"Look at you two jumping to conclusions." I shook my head. "It's clear that Aurelia is going through something, with both Amber and Lavinia, I don't want to add anything else to that. Mikayla will have to understand, I don't have to explain anything to her. End of story."

"Yeah, Clyde why didn't Lavinia mention anything about having a sister?" Caleb asked, thankfully changing the subject.

Clyde sighed, sitting on the couch beside me. "Lavinia claims  she had no memory of her, when she saw Aurelia she thought it was her mother. Her mother died years ago and that's when she remember having a baby sister." He explained.

"How can someone not remember having a sister?" Caleb made a face.

Clyde shrugged taking a drink from his glass. "Don't we have some work to do or something?"

"No, we finished everything. All the paperwork is completed, the patrols have been fixed and training is on schedule." I told them. "I'll check with Graciela about th-."

"She's gone." Lavinia ran into my office in tears.

"Who's gone?" Clyde asked, getting up to comfort his mate.

"Aurelia, sh-she's gone." She cried out hugging Clyde.

"What do you mean gone?" I asked getting up.

"Amber said that she searched everywhere for her, she's completely out of the territory." She sniffled.

Without hearing anything else, I calmly marched to Amber, she's sitting on the floor in Aurelia's room.

"Amber?" I called out quietly as I crouched down beside her.

"She's gone." She said more to herself than me. "She promised that she would stay." She whispered.

"Hey, we don't know where she is, but that doesn't mean that she left you. None of my guards announced anything about Aurelia the premise." I softly told her.

"You don't get it, she said that once she got back her powers she'd leave. And she left." She started crying and hugged her knees.

"Amber is Aurelia a witch?" I asked confused. Evelyn mentioned something about abilities to Aurelia the other day.

She nodded jumping into my arms and latching onto my neck.

My wolf blocked off our link completely, creating distance between us. Another person had left us, left me. I thought the one who was created to be by my side would stay, but she didn't. Am I really that unlovable?

Matter of fact, I expected something like this.

Maybe, the reason why she left doesn't have anything to do with me, but didn't she feel what I felt?

History just keeps on repeating itself.

I took Amber who's asleep in my arms to her room and made my way downstairs.

"Campbell, I'm so sorry it's all my fault. I shouldn't have pushed her." Lavinia cried.

"I thought that you of all people would understand when something is complicated in a person's life." I looked her in the eye before walking out the door.


"Are you ok? You don't have to go if you don't want to, we can stay here and play games." I tried to convince Amber.

She shook her head and got out the car. "I'll see you later Campbell." She waved walking towards the school.

"Bye Amber."

I drove off into the direction of the territory. It's been a whole week since Aurelia left, we didn't have a strong connection yet but still, I miss her presence. Even though I tried to deny the fact that it affects me, I feel empty inside.
I have no idea where she is or if she's ok, if anything happens to her we can't communicate because she's not apart of the pack and I haven't mark her.

Lavinia have been apologizing none stop to both Amber and I. Meg is always reminding me that I deserve better, Clyde is trying to find Aurelia and Caleb is blaming Meg and Lavinia. It's all just frustrating.

I hardly talked to anyone, I spent most of my time in my office and spending time with Amber. I tried my best to be there for her, she misses Aurelia so much. Amber is not mine but it's my duty to protect her and I will.

'Yo, remember that you and Caleb are leaving for Mikayla today. You leave at 10.' Clyde minklinked me.

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