chapter fourteen

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adrien's pov
the amusement park was much nicer than the pictures gave it credit for. as soon as we entered, my mouth was left agape. besides the hour long wait to scan our tickets, everything was perfect. i almost felt like a child again, like i did whenever my mother and i used to play together at the park and the zoo.
"if you don't close your mouth soon, flies are gonna start flying in," marinette said, bopping me lightly on the chin. i shook my head and took another look at our surroundings.
"do you all come here often?"
"oh, no. it's way too expensive, but nino's uncle got him four tickets, and, conveniently, there's four of us," alya said, entwining her fingers with nino's. they looked at each other tenderly, and i got a feeling they wished they were alone. they realized they weren't, and nino cleared his throat.
"soo, uh, where do you guys want to go first?" he asked, rubbing the back of his chin slightly. i shrugged.
"ooh! let's go to the labyrinth!" marinette exclaimed, pointing at a tall plant wall with colorful letters. we followed her towards it, and devised a plan.
"okay, technically this is made for kids, but just in case we get lost or something, we should meet back up at the castle to eat in, say, three hours?" alya asked, and we all nodded. her and nino took the lead, and marinette and i followed shortly behind.
"we both know they just wanna be alone, right?" marinette asked me. i looked at her in mock-confusion.
"really???? that's insane," i gasped, dramatically putting my hand to my chest. she sighed, a slight sparkle in her eye.
"haha. anyway, thanks for coming, i thought i was gonna be a third wheel! i love them both to pieces, but they're so in love, they tune out everyone else without even noticing," she said, turning to look at them ahead of us. sure enough, they were in their own small world, hardly noticing that they had left us far behind.
nino turned to look at alya as she seemingly tried to explain something to him with many hand movements. i had no idea what she was talking about, but it didn't matter. he looked at her like she was the most adorable thing in the world. it was beautiful. (a/n: if nino and alya break up i will break they are so cute sigh) i was glad they had each other.
"don't you have a special someone to do the same with? no new contenders for the purr-incess?" i asked, wiggling my eyebrows. her eyes widened and she blushed slightly, giggling nervously at the thought.
"me?? nooo. i mean, maybe?? agh, i don't know," she sighed exasperatedly, bringing her hands up then back down.
"i'm kidding. don't worry, you'll find your match," i told her, winking. she looked away from me and around us.
"okay, this place is reallly pretty, but i think we may have lost alya and nino," she said, looking confusedly at me.
"figures. oh well, at least we'll have nice photos. say cheese!" she wasn't prepared for the first photo, mainly because she was wondering how in the world i had gotten her phone out of her purse without her noticing.
"i paw-ned it while we were in line. ha! get it? PAWWWned??"
"oh, don't worry, i get it." the rest of the pictures were a series of us posing in front of the wacky statues the maze had. somehow, we managed to make it out after a few minutes of stumbling into dead ends.
   "ok, what now?"
   "um, we still have two hours left before we need to go eat, and there's still a TON of rides we haven't gone on..."
   "then lead me to them," i said, extending my arm. she gladly looped hers into it and led me towards the next ride.

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