chapter eighteen

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adrien's pov
her freckles. she had a light dusting of freckles on her nose, something i hadn't noticed before. or, maybe i had, but i'd never fully appreciated until now. i tried opening my mouth to say something, anything, maybe a pun or something, to add humor to the moment, but nothing but a small squeak left my throat. ha. cat got my tongue.
what were we doing before this? oh, yeah, cleaning the flour off me. she still had her thumb slightly under my eye, but it had stopped rubbing the powder already. here we stood, leaning into each other like some sort of weird gravitational pull was forcing us to do so, while a romantic movie played in the background. according to every anime i'd ever watched, this moment called for a kiss.
until marinette's phone rang. we sprung away from each other, marinette's face a brighter red than ladybug's suit. mine was probably a similar hue.
"maybe i should, uh, go, to get! my phone, ringing," she stammered, grabbing it from the counter and running upstairs.
"yeah! i'll just, wait here," i called out, walking towards the living room, where the tv showed jack and rose kissing on the bow of the ship.
"oh, sure, mock me," i mumbled, muting the volume. i thought back to all the moments i'd nearly kissed kagami but refused to, feeling a small twinge of guilt. would i have kissed marinette if her phone hadn't rung? would she have wanted to kiss me? would i still be thinking about ladybug if she had?
these were supposed to be friendly visits, but the more i came over, the more romantic they felt. sighing, i buried my face into my hands. would it be so bad if we became more than 'just friends', though?
   "you're supposed to be in love with ladybug, but now you ditch kagami to go after marinette?"
   "me? going after marinette?" i considered it for a fraction of a second, but then shook my head quickly. "no, she's just a friend."
   i toyed with the possibility, the same way i had that day at the skating rink. getting to hold her hand, hold her, slow-dance to our song at parties. getting to go out in public together, telling interviewers that, yes, this was my girlfriend, marinette dupain-cheng. yes, we were madly in love, thank you. she would design every outfit i modeled, i would get her that hamster she dreamed of. we'd always go for ice cream at andre's, and we'd be happy, forever.
   the thought filled my mind with a bubbly, happy feeling. i'd never really allowed myself to actually think about the possibility, given that i was always so focused on being just a friend and pursuing ladybug. still, it can't be more than a short daydream. she's with luka now, and i'm with kagami. i can't ruin that, not to mention ruin one of the first friendships i ever had.
   a flash of bright red outside the window caused me to jolt up. was that-? yeah, ladybug. she seemed to be chasing a brand new akuma victim. i needed to help her, but maybe it'd be nice to tell marinette why i left.
   "pen, paper uhh- got it! this should do," i muttered, grabbing a notebook and pen from her kitchen after taking the cookies out the oven. they smelled heavenly. i tapped the pen lightly to my chin, thinking of what to say.

  'akuma! had to go help m'lady kick hawkmoth's behind, but the cookies look delicious. i went ahead and stole some for the way, thanks purr-incess ;) see you soon!
                           your bestest (and handsomest!) friend,
                                                                       chat noir

   i signed it off, grinning. purr-fect, as always.

(a/n: im just gonna use social maker every once in a while i swear but look look i made mari an insta i love this; thx pinterest for the cute cookie pics <3)

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(a/n: im just gonna use social maker every once in a while i swear but look look i made mari an insta i love this; thx pinterest for the cute cookie pics <3)

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