chapter sixteen

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marinette's pov
everyone looked at nino expectantly, as if he wasn't the one who just asked us the question.
"there's a nice pizza place across from here," i suggested. they nodded excitedly and we headed towards it, exiting the park.
   "bye, disneyland," chat noir said sadly, looking back at it one last time. i laughed at his silliness.
   the pizza tasted beyond perfect. maybe it was because i was hungry, or maybe because the day had been so good that nearly nothing, not even a wild pack of akumas, could spoil it. regardless, i enjoyed it more than i usually enjoyed pizza.
   save for the waiter taking suspicious looks at our table every few minutes, probably trying to figure out if he recognized chat, everything ran smoothly. we took the bus home finally, nino and alya saying their goodbyes at the second bus stop.
   "ha! she just posted on the ladyblog," i said as we walked the last block to my house, showing him my phone's screen. "Chat Noir.. afraid of roller-coasters?!" read the bolded caption, with a picture i slyly took after i got him off the first coaster we went on. he creased his forehead and snatched my phone.
   "what? i thought she was joking," he said, frowning as he read the article.
   "never underestimate alya cesaire!"
   "i'll get payback, one way or another," he promised as we arrived at the bakery door.
   "you're not coming in?"
   "can't today, a superhero's life isn't all fun and games, you know. i'll make sure to call you later, though," he said, kissing my hand dramatically and leaping off.
   i walked into my room to find all the kwamis congregated around my computer, watching some video of a squirrel falling.
   "marinette!!" echoed the chorus of tiny creatures, and i smiled at the sight.
   "you all should really come out the miracle box more, i love the company," i said, joining them at my desk.
   "so do i," tikki said, agreeing with me and planting herself next to wayzz.
   "we would, but you always seem so busy!" pollen said, fluttering next to my face. i giggled.
   "are you kidding? i'm never too busy for you guys." i leaned back and leapt right back up, feeling something stab my lower back.
   "what in the- OH!" chat noir's belt was still wrapped tightly around my waist, the knot being what pierced my back. i untied it and held it in my hands.
   naturally, whenever he reverted to his civilian identity, it would disappear. i knew that, but i held it anyway, caressing it for whatever reason. a little temporary souvenir from our time together.

(a/n: omg tysm to whoever has read this far i literally dont deserve u ppl plsss 😟 also that last paragraph was so cheesy and everything seems like filler but soon stuff is gonna progress i swear !)
(extra a/n: i lied whyd yall believe me it progressed like twenty chapters later :/ also im coming back and editing the first chapters so this is why so many things are being republished lolz sorry the chapters were rough afff)

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