Crossroads {Crowley}

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{SPN imagine}

{A/n: This imagine contains ZERO spoilers for SPN! Please do not comment any spoilers for the benefit of the people who have not seen it yet! (specifically S15) Enjoy the imagine!}


Sam Winchester had just finished pushing dirt over the small box he had buried. He was at the crossroads, and he was prepared to make a deal.

"Alright you sons of bitches! Show yourselves!" he yelled towards the sky, his voice laced with anger. He held up his arms with one hand holding onto the colt.

"Well, that is no way to greet me now, is it?" A small voice said from behind him. Sam quickly turned to see a girl standing before him, dressed in black.

Y/n observed the Winchester, noticing how angry he was. He was angry at the world and everything on it.

Sam stomped towards the girl, getting all in her face. "I'm here to make a deal, I want my brother back!" he insisted, not asking.

The youngest Winchester had just witnessed his brother be torn up by a hellhound, meeting his death. His heart was ripped in two as he watched his brother die right in front of him, and he was trying every way possible to bring him back.

Sam had gone through hundreds of books and searched hundreds of websites, but ended up empty-handed. He even attempted to contact heaven, which made him feel utterly stupid. He had made a promise to his brother, a promise that he won't try to bring him back. But it was just a promise that he couldn't keep.

The demon just rolled her eyes at him, already fed up with his complaining. She wiped his spit off of her face before responding to him, "We can't do that and you know it, Sam."

"Can't or won't!" He shouted, only becoming angrier. He was now only inches away from her face, trying to be more threatening towards the demon.

"Both!" She snapped back in his face. "He made his deal, and now he's living the consequences!"

Sam was now more furious than ever. His blood boiled as the words escaped her lips. He took a few steps back before pulling something from his jacket pocket and pointing it at the crossroads demons' head. He cocked the gun and moved it forwards more, pressing it to her forehead, seeing the smallest hint of fear in her eyes.

Y/n didn't believe that Sam Winchester had the real colt since Bela had sold it so long ago, but it wasn't wrong to be too careful.

"I'm assuming you know what this is by the look in your eyes." The youngest Winchester said, making Y/n feel intimidated.

"Where did you get that?" she asked with genuine curiosity, but it came out more like a fearful question, her voice shaky. He ignored her question to ask his once more. "It doesn't matter, now hear my damn proposal or I swear to you I will shoot!"

"Now Moose, if you dare pull that trigger, I will personally make sure you don't have a hand to work said gun, devil's vessel or not." a familiar British voice said from a small distance.

Sam had turned his attention from the demon to face the direction of where the voice was coming from, the gun still placed at her head.

There stood a man dressed in an all black suit. He held a blade in his hands, mindlessly twirling it in his hands.

"Crowley," he hissed.

"Now, now, I think I've got a compromise that will suit your needs, moose, but I need you to lower the gun," Crowley said, staring between him and the demon, trying not to hint anything.

Sam Winchester sent Crowley a hard stare before slowly lowering his weapon, his eyes filled with sadness and hate towards the powerful demon. He hated that he had to obey his orders but, he was doing it for his brother.

"Very good, now, my compromise," the demon began, coming up with an excuse. He knew that Sam couldn't possibly get his brother back from hell, it wasn't possible to anyone. With a smug smile creeping onto his face, Sam knew that he had been lied to.

"Sorry not sorry Sam, but you know it just can't be done." Those were the last words that he had heard from the demon before both had disappeared before his eyes. He had fired the colt, only to miss, wasting a bullet on air.

The gunfire created a loud noise, but that didn't bother Sam, what bothered him the most, was that he felt defeated because he knew, he always knew that deep down, there was nothing that could help him save his brother.


They had just appeared in a random room, walls painted a burgundy color, a dark dining table in the center with a crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and unlit candles sitting in the middle of the table.

Y/n began to rome around the room, slowly walking and observing the paintings on the walls. "You know he'll be back for you," she said, not taking her eyes off of the painting.

"I know darling, but I had to get you away from him, the gun was real, it would've surely blown your head off," Crowley explained, moving toward the demon, taking her hands in his. "And plus, Sam Winchester or any hunter for that matter can't know about what we have, because that would cause you to be in danger."

She looked him in the eyes, even though she was a demon, she appreciated the fact that he cared in his own way. They just stood in front of one another, staring into each other's eyes. They definitely had something special if Crowley would do anything to protect her.

Crowley peered down at the watch on his wrist before he locked eyes with her again. "I'm afraid I'm needed elsewhere. I gave a poor old man an offer today, and I'm off to seal the deal," he smirked. "May I suggest staying in this room till I return?"

"I'll be here when you get back, I promise," Y/n spoke softly, kissing the demon on the cheek right before he disappeared. 

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