Back To You {Kai Parker}

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{TVDU Imagine} {AU}

{Now this one is a little longer but I promise it's worth it. I think this is my favorite imagine I've ever writen!}

May 20, 1994

"And... We're here," Y/n said as her and the Bennet witch entered a cave with a coffin in the center of it.

"And, you are sure you want to do this?" The Bennett witch asked with a concern look.

"Never been more sure of anything in my whole life." She fake smiled, recalling the most unfortunate event that happened only a week ago...

May 10th, 1994

"I can't believe they're letting you merge with Jo, Kai, this is amazing!" She cheered, kissing him happily on the lips. Kai's hands moved from the knick-knacks on the table to her hips immediately, pulling her closer.

"Easy there tiger," he pulled away with a cheeky smile. "When the merge is successful, we can celebrate," he winked, earning a playful smack on the arm from Y/n.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself Parker," she grinned, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I can guarantee that you'll win, but don't count too much on that after party."

"Awh come here!" He pulled her even closer before pinning her on the bed. He then began to tickle her, making her burst into fits of giggles.

"Kai!" she squealed between giggles, "stop it!"

After a few moments, Kai stopped what he was doing and was now hovering over her.

"You know you're really beautiful right?" he smiled, eyes traveling from her eyes to her lips. This made Y/n blush and hide her face in her hands.

"I'm serious Y/n," he sighed, removing her hands from her face. "You're really beautiful."

In response to his comment, she leaned up and pecked his lips, smiling at him. "And you're really adorable."

"Why thank you," he replied, leaning down to kiss her again. The one thing Kai enjoyed more than magic, was Y/n and her kisses. There was something about her soft, plump lips that drove him crazy. He loved kissing her and could honestly do it all day and never get tired.

"What are you thinking about?" she asked, breaking him out of his thoughts.

"Just about how much I love you Y/n," he said as he tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and kissed her nose.

"Interesting, because I was just thinking about how much I love you," she smiled, running her hand through her hair.

No one in the Gemini Coven ever understood how or why Y/n was with Kai because he was such a monster in their eyes, but what Y/n saw was a different story. She saw a boy who had been mistreated by his own flesh and blood for years. A boy who had been outcast for being born different. Y/n saw the good in Kai that no one else saw. Everyone who ever thought that he'd never been able to love someone other than himself, was proven wrong. Y/n loved everything about Kai, his laugh, his smile, his eyes, his personality. The reason he was so different with Y/n, was because he was himself. She accepted him and actually loved him for who he was, and that's all he felt he needed in life.

"Do you have to do the merge? Because I would really just like to lay here for the rest of the day." she sighed. Kai was now laying on his back with his arm wrapped around her snuggled into his side.

"As much as I'd love to snuggle with you for the rest of my life, I have to do the merge, or the coven will fall." he explained, planting a small kiss on her head before sitting up. "Come on, it's time to go." Y/n sat up as well and Kai draped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close before standing up and walking out the door of their current home together.

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