Her Angel {Castiel}

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{SPN imagine}

{A/n: This imagine contains ZERO spoilers for SPN! Please do not comment any spoilers for the benefit of the people who have not seen it yet! (specifically S15) Enjoy the imagine!}


The only noise looping in her mind over and over was the sound of her fingers typing on the keys and the sound of pages turning. She had been at this for hours with no result, no answers. Searching every website, database, and book she had access to, looking through myths and legends, she just couldn't crack it.

Y/n was normally amazing at finding answers, it was her thing and what she was best at when it came to team Free Will. Dean and Sam would bring her clues and evidence to the most current case they were looking into if they didn't know what they were looking for already. They would tell her once and that's all she needed before she started punching things into the internet, pulling up the myth to the creature they were searching for within 2 hours or less. She was extremely smart in that field of work.

Her only problem was that she had been looking into this specific case for almost 5 hours straight with no break. Y/n didn't like to take breaks because she would either already have things done, or she'd be afraid that it'd interrupt her mindset.

"Come on, come on!" She panicked as she frantically flipped through the same pages of a book she had already looked through twice. She thought she had some information, but it turned out to be misleading.

"Damn it!" she yelled as she slammed the book, creating a noise that startled Castiel, who was sitting in a chair on the other side of the vault. The Winchester had left around 5 hours ago after giving Y/n some information to go off of, they had left Cas to keep an eye on her since they knew she could overwork herself.

He had been observing her behavior from a distance, he knew she could do it, but she was overwhelming herself and clouding her brain, stressing herself out and pulling away from the main focus.

He watched as she resumed back to the laptop, her fingers typing faster and faster, the click of the mouse was every second, she had completely overwhelmed herself.

Cas stood from his chair and slowly walked up to her seat at the desk, standing next to her.

"Where is it? Damn it, where is it!" Just as she reached out for another book to reread, she was stopped by an angel grabbing a hold of her hand.

"Y/n, look at me," he said. She slowly turned her head from the book to face Castiel. His hand felt warm and she felt calmer already. There was always just something about Castiel's touch that could help her feel at ease, even in situations like this.

He sat down next to her in a neighboring chair as she looked back down at the desk, feeling oddly ashamed at herself.

"Y/n, I think you should take a break from the research, it's causing you too much stress, you are very overwhelmed."

When she finally decided to look back up at him, she had tears in her eyes. Y/n looked him right in the eyes, trying to keep herself together. "It's just, none of this makes any sense, I've looked everywhere."

Castiel hated when Y/n was upset or when she beat herself up over not finding any information at all. He really cared about her, so seeing her sad only made him feel upset for her.

With her hand still in his, he quietly stood up from the chair and dragged her up with him, only to wrap his arms around her, pulling her into a very comforting hug.

Y/n accepted his hug and wrapped her arms around his torso. She felt better than she did a few seconds ago. The worry of the job and the stress of everything melted away when she was in Cas' arms, he always knew how to make her feel better

Whenever she was upset about anything, he wouldn't leave her side until he knew she was okay. If she was ever angry at Dean or Sam, they would leave to give her some space, and Cas would just appear and wrap his arms around her. She hated crying, especially in front of people because it made her feel weak, but Cas would always reassure her that it was okay to cry and be angry, it's part of what made her human.

"I know, I know, and we'll check again later, but you need some time away from the research for a little." He said in a soft tone, rubbing her shoulder. Y/n felt the tears begin to run down her cheeks and land on Cas' coat. She knew she had been overworking herself and she just needed to accept the fact that a break from the research was okay.

Cas rocked them back and forth, letting the comforting silence take over. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. "You know I'm here for you Y/n, I'm always going to be here for you."

She pulled away from the hug just a little, putting her hands on his chest and looking up at the angel in front of her, staring into his beautiful eyes that she'd always get lost in.

There was no doubt that they had chemistry between them, anybody could point it out. The Winchester's, specifically Dean and Bobby had seen it since Castiel first arrived.

When he walked into that barn for the first time, his eyes had immediately fixated on her, even though he was originally there for Dean. There was something about her that he just couldn't pinpoint, she was different in his eyes, different from all of the humans. He could normally read them like a book, he could read their minds, but with Y/n, he couldn't. He could see her facial expression and notice if she was happy, upset, or angry, but he couldn't tell why, and it drove him nuts. He wanted to know why she felt how she felt, he wanted to know her.

She, on the other hand, wasn't so impressed with Cas in the beginning. She wanted nothing to do with angels because she believed that they did nothing to help, ever. Y/n couldn't wrap her head around the fact that a man in a trench coat was sent to help them. She didn't buy any of it. She ignored him for the first few weeks that were graced with his presence, pushing aside his opinions whenever she had the chance.

But, a day came where she became stuck in a situation with another angel, and the Winchesters couldn't get to her, so they had put their faith in Cas to bring her back safely. When he had come for her, she was scared and confused as to why she was in the mess she was in, but when he had offered his hand, she took it. From then on becoming less and less irritated by him, to a point where she had become very fond of him.

"I know you will be," she responded, giving him a sad smile. He didn't have to read her to know that she was very grateful for having him, to help her get through times like this. He leaned down and rested his forehead against hers, their noses almost touching.

"I'd say we leave the research alone for the rest of the night, it's almost 9:30 pm and it seems like you could use some rest, Sam will take a look at everything when he gets back, I'm sure of it." He told her. He could see it in her eyes that she could put up an argument, but she was too tired.

She nodded her head in response before walking over to the one bed that was in the vault and laying down on top of the covers. Cas laid right next to her and wrapped an arm around her as she laid her head on his shoulder. He himself wouldn't be sleeping, but he would watch over her to make sure she would be getting rest.

Y/n yawned as she looked up at him, "thank you Cas."

"Anytime Y/n, now try to get some sleep, I'll wake you when necessary." He said in a soft tone as he watched her eyes slowly fall heavy. In a matter of seconds, she was out cold. Cas laid there, awake and waiting for the Winchester's to return with some kind of valuable information. His eyes, however, remained on a sleeping Y/n, he could tell she was dreaming, and that she was having a good dream just by the little smile on her face.

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