Author's Note

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Hello lovelies,

First of all, thank you a thousand times for reading this book and being so patient with me. This story is 126 848 words and took me around 250 hours to write and lots of research. I started planning it in August of 2019 and I just finishing it now (March 2021) so it can give you an idea of how much work was put into it.

It wasn't an easy story to write because I wanted it to be somewhat realistic, which meant I had to think a lot about my characters and their lives for the whole thing to be coherent (did I succeed to make it credible... you guys can tell me what you think...). As I said before, all the historical facts are true. The Juilliard School exists in New York, although the Juilliard International Sonata Competition does not (but it was inspired by a real sonata competition).

The character of Yoongi is inspired by Lang Lang who is a Chinese concert pianist and a real superstar in the world of classical music. This man is one of the most famous and accomplished classical musicians of modern times. He did play at the White House, he was nominated for a Grammy Award and he appeared in Time Magazine's list of the most influential people in the world in 2009.

I wrote this story because, as many of you realized, I am myself a classical musician. I started playing the violin at 4 years old and only stopped when I got into university, 15 years later. I had classes every week for all this time and also did lots of orchestra, chamber music, competitions, and all that other fun stuff. I even taught violin at one point.

I really miss it, but it's not the kind of hobby you can keep up when you want a career in science. Of course, you can still play, but after only a few weeks of not touching your instrument, your technique starts to deteriorate and DAMN it is SO frustrating to remember how good you were and not be able to do it anymore...

To give you an idea, I played Brahms' Hungarian No.5 as a soloist, I played the Rieding's violin concertino in D major op.25 as well as the Hungarian style op.21 and I can play Gitana, the first violin part of Beethoven's symphony number 5 (the andante con moto is so pretty) but I could never play Chinese Tambourine. I am not at Victoria's level and would also never in my wildest dreams be able to play the Sonata No.9 (I wish).

If you haven't checked it out yet, I highly recommend to go see the playlist I did on Spotify. It contains all the music in this book plus my other favourite pieces which I all selected with lots of love.

Here is a picture of my orchestra during a rehearsal, before a concert. Fun fact, we also performed at Carnegie Hall once, and I was so anxious I almost peed my pants.

Lots of love!



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