2| Campanella in G-sharp

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Soundtrack: La Campanella in G-sharp minor by Franz Liszt

Yoongi's disappearance raised a lot of questions.

At first, weird rumors went around. Le Figaro speculated in a following article that Yoongi had left the country to go back to Korea to see his parents. Some blurry pictures taken in his hometown, Daegu, of someone looking like him even circulated for a while. People were only starting to believe this version of the story when other pictures were released in a gossip magazine, this time of Yoongi lying on a beach in Brazil. Again, the picture wasn't clear and the man, far away and looking at the sky could have been almost anybody.

For all the public knew, he could have been dead.

There was absolutely no sign of him anywhere.  His Twitter account was as silent as a grave, his Paris penthouse stayed uninhabited, and even his manager seemed alarmed by his sudden hiatus.

After a few weeks of absolutely no report on the deserter, the public's attention turned to Hoseok to get some news. The manager, wearing a very serious all-black suit that was very unlike him, only justified the pianist's absence very cryptically to the excited crowd of journalists. He half-denied that the musician was actually gone and hinted that he was taking some much-needed rest.

A lot of reporters were yelled after by their bosses when they came back to their companies with Hoseok's report. Really, the man hadn't told them anything at all.

After that, slowly but surely, people forgot about Yoongi's scandal. He became yet another ruined artist that had flown away from his problems and more recent political embarrassments started to fill in the blanks that his absence had left in the press.

And then, one morning, exactly three months and twenty-two days after Yoongi had left, he reappeared, as unexpectedly as a bunny coming out of a hat. When Hoseok received a phone call and heard the pianist's hoarse voice at the other end of the line for the first time in almost four months, asking to come and get him at the airport, the manager almost hung up. To say that he was angry would be an understatement.

But Hoseok, as the good manager he was, grabbed his keys and drove through the morning traffic, cursing most of the way, his black sports car skirting around the slower vehicles dangerously.

The Charles de Gaulle Airport was a very familiar environment for the manager, who had always followed Yoongi on his numerous trips abroad. After walking in the white, sparkly corridors for a while, his bright red varnished shoes clicking against the ceramic, Hoseok found himself in front of the departure lobby 2C, where he immediately spotted a recognizable thin raven-haired man, hiding his face under a bucket hat.

Absolutely no words were said between them.

Yoongi imperceptibly lifted his eyes up to peer at the other's face but stayed silent as the manager turned around to walk back to the parking lot. Yoongi hastily followed him, catching up difficultly with the man's slender legs.

Hoseok was very rarely furious but when he was, he always became silent. His rage was frigid, in contrast to Yoongi's boiling, exploding anger.

The pianist, knowing that a voiceless manager was a bad omen, and not in a hurry to be yelled at, stayed mute until they were both in the car and out of the parking lot to finally speak. He thought that at least, driving would give Hoseok some kind of distraction from his animosity.

"Long time no see," started Yoongi with a falsely cheerful tone as he dumped his duffel bag on the back seat.

At the moment the words left his mouth, he realized he could have chosen a better introduction.

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