37| No Matter What

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Soundtrack: Violin Sonata No.1 in D minor, op 75 IV. Allegro Molto by Camille Saint-Saens

Victoria and Yoongi joined Taehyung and Hoseok for breakfast. Neither of them ate a lot despite the manager piling-up pancakes in their plates, repeating over and over again that eating a nutritious meal was absolutely necessary so they would do a good job during the competition.

Victoria had gone silent, thoughtfully munching on her pile of fruits while Yoongi kept yawning at her side, the post-orgasm endorphins making him as sleepy as usual. Meanwhile, Hoseok was stress-induced talking, battering the two with information about the awards ceremony and the cost of organizing such an event while gesturing so much he was sending maple syrup everywhere.

Taehyung, sipping his coffee, was staring at the manager with wide eyes over his mug.

"Is he always like this before a big competition?"

"Yeah," confirmed Yoongi, "He talks a lot when he's nervous."

"Hey! Don't talk about me like I'm not here!"

Taehyung shook his head and turned to the manager.

"Dude, can't you see that you're not helping? Stop being so anxious, it's only gonna make things worse for them," he said, chin towards Yoongi and Victoria, "They're the only ones that are allowed to be nervous today. So, stop talking and eat your pancakes."

Yoongi let out a chuckle, suddenly so much happier that Taehyung was around. Hoseok looked a little outraged and even Victoria grinned at the sight of his sulking. He didn't say another word, sending one last offended look towards Taehyung before taking a gigantic mouthful of pancake in his mouth.

The duet had a short practise scheduled afterward, which was more of a warm-up than an actual rehearsal. They wouldn't play the piece in its entirety, just some short passages to get the blood flowing and a little taste of what was to come. Holding back was necessary to keep their drive for the actual performance.

Yoongi was waiting outside the hotel for Victoria, who had gone back to the room to get her violin, and spotted his manager leaning against the doorframe, cigarette in between his fingers as he blew some smoke towards the sky. He had a newspaper under his arm and gigantic shades hid half of his face, thin lips in a scowl.

"You started smoking again?"

The last time he had seen Hoseok with a cigarette was more than two years ago.

The manager, startled, dropped his newspaper to the ground and retrieved it in a swift movement, twisting it in his other hand like he was trying to hide it from the pianist.

"What is it?" Yoongi asked, who wasn't fooled so easily.

Hoseok let out a sigh and removed his shades, pushing them on top of his skull.

"I didn't want you to see it... it's an article about you and Victoria... The interview you did two days ago."

Yoongi pursed his lips, snatching it away from his manager who didn't protest but took another drag from his cigarette, closing his eyes as he let out the smoke. The pianist's eyes moved over the paper, reading the article in diagonal.

All their words had been twisted, the things they had said out of context and making them look like two over-confident assholes who were absolutely certain the win was already in the bag. The journalist had the audacity to conclude that no matter what, everybody already knew Yoongi always went for the gold, and that if they had less than that, it would be because of Victoria dragging him down.

The pianist crumpled the paper in his hands before he even realized what he was doing, two hands shredding the newspaper to pieces and throwing it in the nearest garbage.

Sonata No.9 | MYG 🔞Where stories live. Discover now