6| Chinese Tambourine

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Soundtrack: Falling down - Bonus Track by Lil Peep and XXXTENTACION and Chinese Tambourine by Fritz Kreisler

The rain hadn't stopped in three days.

The deluge changed into a light drizzle, and then into a steady mist before going back to a strong shower, drops of water bouncing off the asphalt and forming deep puddles in the craters of neglected roads.

People carried themselves around wearing raincoats and heavy umbrellas, shoulders slumped and faces towards the ground in an attempt to avoid water from pouring in their eyes. Restaurant terraces were closed, parks were emptied from joyful children, and afternoon walks under the sun already seemed like a distant memory.

The busy city had been put on pause, its inhabitants lingering in the comfort of their homes, waiting for the Summer to be given back to them. Everything felt on hold, time frozen as people had their eyes set to the sky, expecting their star to shine again soon.

It was four o'clock on a Thursday, and the streets were practically emptied from their usual spirit, the only proof of life being dark cars splashing around the few courageous pedestrians that had come out of their dormancy to peek outside.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come and act like a buffer?"

Hoseok's voice sounded almost like a plead through the phone.

"No," categorically responded Yoongi, "This is between me and Victoria. If she is too stressed-out about the whole thing, if she's not able to get over her anxiety... well there's nothing I can do about it."

The pianist had thought it through and had come to a final decision; he would give the girl one more chance to prove herself, and if she failed, this would be it, he would cancel the whole project. She would find another pianist for the Juilliard Sonata Competition, hopefully someone at her own level, not aiming higher or lower; someone with just the right amount of talent. Really, he would be doing her a favor by seeing himself out before it was too late. A pianist with the same extent of skills as her would certainly balance her sound a lot better. Her ring would be smoother, and she would be a lot less stressed-out about the situation.

This would be best for everyone.

"I know you think aborting the project will protect you from a fall, but that will only make you a quitter," said Hoseok, sounding a little discouraged.

Yoongi rolled his eyes even if his manager couldn't see him.

"I'm not a quitter, I'm just a realist, there is a difference."

Silence persisted at the other end of the line.

"And I am being very fair! I'm giving her a second chance," added Yoongi.

"You better! I told her you would!"

The pianist was suddenly speechless, absorbing what his friend had just said.

"Wait... You talked to her?"

There were some noises at the other end, like if Hoseok was changing the position of the phone against his ear.

"Yes... she called me. We talked for a while actually."

Yoongi had mixed feelings about this new information. He mostly felt betrayed but didn't really understood why.

"What did she say?"

"That you're an ass."


Yoongi was shocked and a little offended but then Hoseok let out a quick giggle.

"Of course she didn't say that! The girl is practically in love with you,"

Sonata No.9 | MYG 🔞Where stories live. Discover now