28| Slipping Away

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Soundtrack: Dark light by Night Lovell and String Quartet no.3 Mishima: VI closing by Philip Glass

Yoongi admired Victoria for a minute; the back of her neck, hair tied in a loose bun and revealing her throat, her shoulders, her spine, her breasts, the curve of her waist, the swell of her hips and ass extended in his direction, yearning to receive his touch, her long tanned legs...

"Are you just going to look?" she asked, the shadow of a smirk on her lips.

A few strands of raven hair had escaped her bun, framing her face adorably and her lips were raw from kissing him.

"Let me enjoy the view," he whispered, "We have all the time."

They didn't really have all the time, but Yoongi was determined to fool himself into thinking they did. This way, he would savor every second with her like there was no tomorrow. That's exactly what he was doing right this instant, staring at her with all the focus he could muster to engrave her figure in his mind and carve every inch of her gorgeous body in his brain.

"Come on," she coaxed, arching her back like a cat to show her buttock in all of its splendor.

"Already so desperate for me?" he asked, and she blushed imperceptibly.

"I'm not desperate..."

One long pianist finger ran along a bruise on her ribcage and her entire body shivered. She tried to hold back the gasp that formed in her throat, eyelids fluttering shut.

"Okay, maybe a little desperate," she said, so low Yoongi wasn't even sure she spoke.

Her pussy was a lovely view, so wet her juices were almost dripping. He was absolutely sure if he entered her at this moment, he would go straight through, his dick gliding in to the hilt like she was made for him.

He could always fuck her right then and he was sure she would appreciate the gesture, but his heart was pickier than that. He couldn't tell her he loved her, but he could always try to show with his body how much she meant to him.

He positioned himself behind her, letting his dick brush over her wet folds while he leaned forward, kissing her softly right between her shoulder blades. Victoria let out a long sigh and she closed her eyes, staying very still as he drew her back with his lips along her spine, pecking his way to her ass.

Yoongi blinked, the same strange nostalgia from before closing-in his throat and making his insides churn. Her skin was so silky and delicate, smelling of lavender and body wash. He needed to stop being so sentimental about it and just get on with the dicking or he would start crying like a wimp and beg her to stay with him forever.

To distract himself, he bit her ass, hard, like he was trying to tear the skin. Victoria let out a cry, half moan, half outraged yelp.

"Why did you do that?" she exclaimed.

Yoongi gazed at the result. That mark would stay for a while. It wasn't bleeding but it was close, red blooming all around it. He kissed it.

"Yeah, sorry, I just love your ass that much."

"Now I'm gonna get all turned on every time I sit-down and it hurts," she whined.

The pianist approached her face to look at her expression with a mocking smile.


She scowled.

"Yeah, seriously."

Fuck. He loved her so much.

"I'm sorry, I'll ask next time."

She looked slightly ashamed, her cheeks flushing from embarrassment.

Sonata No.9 | MYG 🔞Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora