Chapter 38

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Sitting here holding Essence’s hand for the past four days.
“Essence c’mon, we need for you to wake up,” I tell her placing a kiss on the back of her hand.
“Excuse me, I didn’t mean to interrupt you,” A nurse states as she begins examining Essence again.
“Can you tell me why the swelling has not gone down, especially around her eyes?”
“She has more than one eye socket fracture in both of her eyes. They will take longer to heal. When she wakes up, we will be able to do more to help the swelling go down.”
“Is she at least healing up some?”
“Honestly, I can’t say. She has not woken up. Only time will tell.”
“Thank you,” I say with a smile.
Watching as she finishes examining Essence until she left out the room.
Picking up my phone off the bedside table, calling my mom’s phone.
“Hey baby, how are you?” She asks answering the call.
“I’m okay.  
“How is Kendric? How is he doing in school?”
“How is Essence? Kendric is doing fine. He wants to be with his daddy.”
“Soon as Essence wakes up.”
“Lucas, do you know when that will be?” My mom questions as she continues. “You have been vague about what happened to Essence and why you took off so fast to go see her. What is going on?”
“I will tell yall about this later mom, now is not the time.”
“How bad is this situation?”
“Tell Kendric I love him. I will call before to talk to him before he goes to bed. I love you mom and thank you.”
After hanging up I went sitting back down beside Essence.
“Kendric misses you. Just open your eyes and come back to us. I can understand why you didn’t tell me what happened, but it doesn’t mean I don’t wish you did tell me. I promise you here and now I will never let anyone else hurt you.”
Laying down holding Essence’s hand, my thought was interrupted as my phone was ringing. Seeing the unknown number displayed on my screen, I hesitantly answer the call.
An automatize operator begins to speak, “You have a collect call from an inmate.”
The automatize pauses as the voice I never wanted to hear again came through the phone speaker, “It’s me Ivy please answer.  
As the operator starts again, “at Stratford County Jail, to accept these charges hit the number 3 to begin your conversation.”
Quickly ending the call, my phone begins ringing again. Silencing my phone placing it back on the table.
“I promise I am trying to get in touch with your brother.”
I was about to lay back down, as something on Essence’s arm caught my attention. Pulling the blankets back off her body as I begin to closely observe her body.
After intensely inspecting her body, pulling the blankets back upon her. “I can’t imagine how much you have suffered.”  
Laying down in the chair watching television, when I heard a familiar yet faint voice speak, “Lucas.”
Standing up my eyes meet Vita, as Evan, Eden, and Wyatt are standing behind.
Vita and Eden rush over to me hugging me as Wyatt and Evan look at Essence.
“What are yall doing here?”
“You are our brother, Lucas, and Essence is Kendric’s mother that makes her family too.” Eden states. 
Eden and Vita turn looking at Essence as tears fell from both.
“Lucas, what happened to her?” Vita questions
Before I could Wyatt spoke, “somebody calling you Lucas. Why is your phone on silent?”
“It’s Ivy calling from jail. Block the number.”
“Was she involved in what happened to Essence?” Evan asks.
“I went to my lawyer about making everything official and I asked about Kendric’s father. During case no one could bring him up, since the trial was over, she could tell me.”
Pausing looking over at Essence as a flood of emotions took over.
“Lucas are you alright?” Vita probes.
“Can yall watch Essence until I come back? If she wakes up call me.”
“How the hell we suppose to call you and your damn phone on silent.” Evan states.
“I’ll be back,” I say leaving.
Arriving at the destination take a deep breath. Walking inside I go to the desk.
“How may I help you?” He asks.
“I would like to see one of your inmates, Ivy Mills.”
He stands up he comes from around the desk, “I need to search you before you can go beyond this point.”
After the office pats me down he speaks, “follow me.”
“Before I see her may I go to the restroom. I should have asked before I got back here.”
“That’s fine just make it fast. You’re not supposed to go to the restroom back here.”
Nodding my head, I rush into the bathroom. Entering in a stall taking my phone out of my shoe, slipping it in my pocket. Making sure it is covered up, washing my hands I came out to see the officer waiting on me.
“I’m ready,” I say as he leads us down a hallway. Taken a turn in another hallway. Stopping at a door another officer let us in.
“Sit at table eight. She will be out in a few minutes. You cannot touch the inmate in any way.” The officer tells me.
“Yes, sir. Thank you.”
Moments later I see Ivy coming out handcuffed. Her eyes lock with mine as a smile widens on her face.
Sitting in front of me she continues to smile.
“Lucas you are here. Thank you for coming. After you didn’t answer any of my calls, I told my mom you didn’t want to talk to me anymore.”
“Ivy, Ivy Mills”
“Yes, Lucas, it’s me, Ivy Mills. Why are you saying my name like that?”
“I just want to make sure it is really you, Ivy Mills.”
“Yes, it is really me Ivy Mills, Lucas McKeen.”
“You said your mom is here with you, is that the lady who was at the house helping that sick fuck rape and torture Essence?”
“Yes, but Lucas you have it all wrong.”
“How so?”
“I wasn’t doing anything. My mom’s friend asked us to come to help him.”
“Help him do what exactly, Ivy?”
“Um, he wanted us to help him move some furniture, and get some other stuff.”
“So, he wanted you to move furniture at 10 something at night?”
“Yes, that’s right.”
“When he put his hands on Essence, why didn’t you stop him or call the police?”
“I thought she wanted it. You know how people role to play.”
“What woman wants to be beaten and raped Ivy? How long were yall at Essence’s house before I arrived?”
“I don’t know a few hours.”
“You mean to tell me that for hours you watched him beat and rape her, Ivy?”
“Lucas you are focusing on the wrong thing. Kendric needs us now more than ever.”
“What the hell are you talking about Ivy. There is no we, us, or anything that of that nature. My son does not need and we, he needs me and his mother.”
“Lucas, for the longest I was his mother. All you need to do is bail me out and we can pick back up where we left off at. I know you didn’t want to break up with me. It was Vita and Eden that forced you.”
“What the hell do my sister and friend have to do with anything?”
“They thought Essence was better for you, but you see that kind of people she attracts.”
“I’m not bailing you out and I’m damn sure not getting back together with you. I saw you holding Essence down laughing at her. Tell me what was funny?”
“It was a joke, Lucas.”
“Funny no one else is laughing.”
“Dammit Lucas, forget all that shit and get me out of here.”  
“My son and his mother need me and I’m going to make certain they are never tainted by you or anyone else again.”
“Are you going to be with her?”
“Who is this her?”
“Lucas you know I’m referring to Essence. Are you leaving me for Essence?”
“I don’t know what the future has Essence and me. We might then we might not. Either way, it's none of your business. I promise I will never let you near her or my son again. I am so disgusted with myself that I was ever with someone like you. I came here to tell you to stop calling me and leave me and my family alone, and yes that includes Essence.”
“Fuck that bitch. I’m glad I did the shit I did to her. I only wish I could have done more to her.” Ivy states as she stood to her feet.
“That’s all I needed Ivy Mills. Stay away from us.” I say standing up.
“This is far from over, Lucas.”
Getting in my car I end the recording and call my attorney.
Leaving a message for her to call me back soon as she could.
As I was about to leave my phone rang.
“Daddy guess where I am?” Kendric says happily.  

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