Chapter 7

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“Eleanor, is everything set up?”
“I have an IV in her, the sedation medication will have her out for the next several hours. I can get started with the cesarean section.” My wife informed me.
“Get started because we still have the other part of this plan to do. I was able to get Andre out of the house for the next week and a half. There is no room for error in the El.” I spoke sternly to her.
“You don’t fucking think I know this LeRoy. I feel sick and guilty over all of this, but”
“But what Eleanor? We must do this. It is what is the best Essence. She will be hurt, but she will have other kids.”
“No of this should have happened, starting with Robert. Whom did you find to stay with Essence while we were gone?”
“Yes, I found someone. I am paying her good money. I have everything lined up and in place. Just hurry up and get that baby out of her.”
Approximately 45 minutes later I heard him crying loudly. Eleanor called me in the room.
“What do you need?”
“I need you to administer some more of this medicine to Essence while I sew her up.”
Following the instructions, Eleanor gave me, Essence was still out of it.
“Soon as I put this catheter in her and who is supposed to watch her can come over and we can go.”
“Make sure we have everything and clean up while I make this call and I will come back to help you,” I announced leaving the room.
After the third ring, she answered.
“Hello” she answered in a seductive tone.
“Come over.”
“On my way daddy. Don’t forget what you promised me.”
“Get here quick Anita,” I replied then hung up the phone on her.
Going back to help Eleanor clean up she was feeding the baby.
“Don’t get attached.”
“He has to eat Roy. I know what we must do. Is everything in order, all the documents, correct dates from today.”
“Yeah, everything is in order.”
Hearing a knock on the door.
“Get the bags and let’s get ready to go. We have a 19-hour drive.”
“It’s 19 hours?” Eleanor asked inquisitively.
“Yes, and that does not include traffic.”
Opening the door, Anita was standing before me with a bag in her hand.
“Thanks for doing this.”
“Not a problem. Before you leave, you have to do something for me, and it is not negotiable.”
“What is it Anita, make it quick.”
She leaned in close to my ear whispering, “make me cum, it has been so long.”
“Anita, I don’t have time and my wife in the other room.”
“Either you do it or I will spill some secrets. This does not cancel out any plans after you back either. You have five minutes or I’m talking and walking.”
“Fine,” I said sounding confounded.
Going back in the room my wife was just laying the baby down as since he was sleep.
“El, Anita made me remember something and we certainly can’t go inside the store and get what we need, she will have to. We will be right back. We will take her car so make sure all our stuff is in the car because soon as we get back, we are leaving.”
Eleanor rolled her eyes.  “Hurry up and get back so we can go.” She said with attitude.
Not saying anything I left out the room.
“Let’s go,” I say to Anita walking out the door with her on my tail.
Before getting in the car Robert pulled up.
“I went by the shop they said you came home early. I wanted to come by before Essence got home. She is due in another week, how is she?” He said.
“She had the baby a little bit ago.”
“Are they doing good?”
“Yeah, they both are fine.”
Anita interrupted us, “since Robert came, he will do. Yall can take off.”
“Fine by me,” I replied going back into the house.
“El, come on we can go. Make sure Anita knows how often to give Essence the medication, change her bandages, and everything else.
After checking once more to make sure we had everything, my wife and I left.
Next day
“Eleanor, come on, soon as we get this done, we can get back home.”
“I’m coming, Roy, I was just getting out the shower. Let me get dressed then we can go.
Feeding the baby whilst Eleanor got dressed. Looking down at him, I saw how much he looked like Essence. My mind drifted back to when Essence was first born and when she was placed in my arms for the first time.
Promising her I would never let anybody hurt her. Taken a deep breath I told the baby in a barely audible tone, “Matthan, I’m doing this for you and Essence.”
About to continue until Eleanor was dressed.
“You ready to get this over with LeRoy?”
“Yeah, I am.” I gave her the baby to her and as I got everything else.
Arriving at the family and child social services building, Eleanor and I looked at each other.
“It’s no turning back now.” She said getting out the car with tears in her eyes.
Walking inside we observed the facility to see where we should go.  
“Excuse me, how may I help you.” A white man asked.
“Hello, I’m LeRoy Harrison and this is my wife Eleanor.”
The gentleman extended his hand to me, “Nice to meet you both, I’m Lucas McKeen. How may I be of assistance to you?”
“We have to give our grandson up. Our daughter had him yesterday.” Pausing, I shed a few tears then wiped them away.
“Our daughter died giving birth to him. We can’t take care of him alone and on our salary as much as we want to.” Eleanor was full-on crying holding onto me.
“Please, let me offer my deepest condolences to you both. I am deeply sorry for this tragedy. We can keep him here and put him up for adoption.”
“We want him to have great parents, and a great home.”
“I completely understand,” Lucas said.
“I have her death certificate and I have his birth certificate. We don’t know what she wanted to name him.” I informed Lucas as I handed over the documents.
“I promise you both we will take excellent care of him until he is placed in a permanent home,” Lucas spoke with sincerity.
Eleanor place a kissed on his cheek, “grandma loves you.”
“Granddaddy loves you,” I said as we both handed him over.
“You both have my word, he will be taken care of as I said, anything else. Do yall need more time?”
“No, thank you, Lucas, we will just stand here until you leave,” Eleanor replied.
“Again, I am deeply sorry.” He turned and walked away with him.

Custody War जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें