Chapter 6

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“El, how is Essence doing? I never see her between school, working those two jobs, and getting tutored she is hardly home.”  
“Roy, in six months you have had ample time to talk to Essence. You find time for Robert.”
“Eleanor, don’t.”
Stillness occupied us as I spoke again.
“El, it is getting closer to time for Essence to have the baby. We need to do something.”
“You want to give her a baby shower?” Eleanor questioned. 
“Hell no, you need to steal some medical supplies from the hospital.”
“What the hell are you talking about Leroy? You are not making any sense.”
“We just need to make sure she has the baby here at the house for the plan to work Eleanor.”
“What plan?”
“Just trust me.”
“Tell me the plan you have why she is out.”
“Where is she at anyways?”
“Andre asked his girlfriend to take some maternity pictures of Essence then she was off to the hotel to work. She gets off at 10:30 tonight. Now tell me this plan or I’m not doing anything Roy.”
Feeling defeated I begin to tell my wife the plan.
“Essence, you look so beautiful” Andre’s girlfriend spoke, then continued. “I am so glad my sister’s dress fit you.”
Smiling at her I responded, “thank you so much for letting me use this beautiful dress and for taken these pictures. I don’t know how I can pay you.”
“You don’t owe me anything Essence. Now get ready to smile,” she said with a warm smile.
Getting home from a long day at work, I was happy to take a shower. The hot water relaxed my aching body. After the shower, sitting on my bed, I begin counting all the money I have saved up from working both jobs.
“Matthan, mommy has saved close to $2,300.00. I know I need to slow down, but I am working so much because as soon as you come, and they release us from the hospital we are out of here.”
Rubbing my growing belly
“I love you already Matthan. If my parents did not protect me, I know they will not protect you, it’s my job to protect you. Mommy will always keep you safe.”
Going to the bathroom again I felt a sharp pain. “Not now Matthan,” I say to my son.
Getting back into bed the pain subsided as I rubbed my belly until darkness took over.
Waking up earlier than normal, stretching my limbs. “Good morning Matthan, ready for another long day?” I asked smiling as I feel my son moving and kicking inside of me.
While doing my routine, I felt another sharp pain. Taken some deep breathes. “Matthan give mommy a few more days.”
Making sure I have everything, leaving out my bedroom, walking down the steps another sharp pain hit. Waiting till the pain passed, Andre came.
“You okay?” He asked with an unease look evident on his face.
“Yeah, I’m good Matthan is up early moving around.”
“Is that what the baby’s name is going to be, Matthew?” My father questions.
“It’s not Matthew, it’s Matthan and yes this is what I am going to name him,” I replied while walking around him going to the kitchen.
Entering school, bracing myself for another day of rumors and lies about me.
Sitting in my third-period class sharp pains came more frequent. Raising my hand to get my teacher’s attention.
“Yes, Essence.” Mrs. Raymond said when she notices my hand. Before replying a stronger pain hit me.
“AHHH” Screaming out as the pain became more intense. 
Finally, able to talk I answered Mrs. Raymond, “I need to go to the office.”
“Yes, go right ahead. I hope everything goes smoothly for you Essence.” She said with a warm displayed on her face.
Gather up my belongings, I replied, “thank you, Mrs. Raymond.”
Walking down the hallway, another pain hit.
Catching my breath, someone was calling my name. Slowly turning around.
“Essence, what’s happening are you alright?” Mr. Perez interrogates me.
“I just need to get to the hospital. I think Matthan is coming.”
His eyes grew big, “Alright, let's get you to the office and I’ll call an ambulance, or would it be more beneficial to call your parents?”
“You can call my mom; she works at the hospital.”
Mr. Perez helped me to the nurses’ station, then called my mom.
“Essence, your mom is on the way. Till she gets here, I will stay here with you.” Mr. Perez says as another pain hit me.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” Taken some breathes the pain eased off. Laying back, closing my eyes trying to block everything out.
“Essence” Waking up to my name being called. Looking up I see my mom.
“Let’s go get you checked out.” She tells me with a smile.
As we are driving home realizing we are not going in the direction of the hospital, I broke the quietness between us.
“Mom where are we going?”
“Your water has not broke Essence. The hospital will just send you back home. When your water breaks or it gets closer, we will take to the hospital. She answers with a smile.
Arriving at home noticing my dad’s truck is in the yard, I turned to my mom. “Daddy home earlier.”
“The school called both of us, he said he would meet us here.” Nodding my head as I was getting out the car sharp pains begin to fill my body.
Once they passed my mom helped me in the house.
The sudden urge to go pee hit me harder than the previous time. Stepping into the bathroom, pulling my pants down the liquid followed behind. Looking down realizing my water just broke.
“MOMMA” I yelled out
She came rushing into the bathroom, “What’s wrong?”
“My water broke.”
“Let’s get you in your room and change your clothes before going to the hospital.”
Sitting on my bed when I felt a stick in my neck and darkness covered me.

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