Chapter 53

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Three days later  


“What’s the deal with you lately?” Vita probes

“Nothing Vita,” I say. “No, you have been shall we say a tab bit different since you came back from your trip with Essence. So, talk, Lucas.”

Running my hands up and down my face, “Essence and I, we got together.”

“Wait, yall are dating now? Details, tell me everything you better had asked her out in a sweet romantic way.”

“That’s not what I meant, Vita. I mea- “

“You and Essence,” She semi yells. “Tell me everything now, Lucas.”

“It was unexpected, everything happened so fast.”

Vita’s face scrunches up as she eyes me up and down, “never took you for a two-minute man, Lucas.”

“That’s not what I meant, Vita. I meant how everything happened.”

“What’s the problem? When are yall going to get together?”

“It’s not that easy.”

“Lucas are, are you in love with Essence?” she stampers out lowly.

“I don’t know what I am, Vita.” She looks at me shaking her head before proceeding to speak, “I think you and Essence know what you want but neither of you will say.”

“It’s not easy as A, B, C. We don’t know if we are compatible. If I’m being honest, I don’t know Essence.”

“But you thought it was a great idea to have sex with her?” Vita states before waving it off as she continues, “what’s stopping you from getting to know her now? Have you truly asked her on a real date? Not you, her, and Kendric, just you and her.”

“No, I haven’t?”

“What the fuck are you waiting on Lucas, Jesus’s return?” she says rolling her eyes.

“She is in therapy; she needs to heal before anything. She needs to build a relationship with Kendric. She-“  

“She, she, she, you need to stop making and using excuses. Yes, she has been through a lot that doesn’t mean you can’t take her out on a date. Treat her like a real man should. You treat her fragile, guess what she is going to think she is, fragile. Treat her like a woman, the mother of your child. Or in my hopes, your future wife.” She says smiling at the last part sticking out her tongue.

Smiling at her antics, “honestly, Vita. So, when are you going to put all this to use with my brother?”

“Hump, never.” She utters with attitude as she continues, “besides this is not about me, this is about you, Lucas. Stop being a pussy and get you some more pussssy.” She says dragging out the last part.

“I’m going to get my son. They are having an open house and Essence and I need to have talk to his teacher.”

“What’s going on with my Godson at school?”

“Bullying and the teacher wants to say kids will be kids.”

“Tell that hoe, I’m beat her ass.”

“It’s his teacher.”

“Again, tell her, Ima beat her ass,” Vita states more firmly. Standing up walking over to her kissing her cheek, “I love you, Vita.” I say leaving out my office space.

“I know, who doesn’t?” She says laughing.

After leaving work, going home to shower and change clothes to get ready for tonight.

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