Chapter 55

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A week later 


“Lucas” a sweet familiar feminine voice calls name. Jolting up, out of my bed from a slumber speaking, “what’s wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong, I’m sorry for waking you up. I wanted to know if I could take you out on a date today, starting now to be more precise.”

“I’m use to our son waking up early in the mornings, not his beautiful mother. I was planning to ask you if I could take you out later today for ice cream.”

Getting out of bed boring into Essence’s eyes as she spoke, “I shouldn’t have asked or asks you earlier. I’m sorry.”

Watching her walk toward my door I couldn’t help but smile at her, “where are we going for our date?” Turning around facing me with a small smile on her face.

“You want to go with me?” Essence questions.

“Of course, I do,” answering honestly.

“I came early because the first part of the date will begin in a little bit.”

“I better get ready for today.” Getting out of bed Essence smiling at me, “I’ll wait for you downstairs.” She says leaving.

After doing my morning routine and getting dressed going downstairs seeing Essence with a container and two cups on the table.

“You ready?” I ask, “if you are, I am.” She says with a smile.

“Here you go,” Essence says handing me a cup.  “Where are we going so early this morning?” I question as we walk out of my door with me locking it behind us.

“Can I explain everything when we arrive at our destination? Before I forget again, good morning, Lucas.” 

“Good morning, Essence.” Opening her car door, she looks at me, “I guess I should have explained it a little more. It’s not far from here, I thought we could walk.”

Closing the door glancing up at her, “you are full of surprises already.”  Her smile brightens up the dark day.

While walking we laugh and talk about random things. Turning walking down a secluded dead-end, eyeing Essence.

“Do you know where we are going?”

Her brown eyes met mine, “of course I know.” She states just as we are approaching a bench in front of a lake, “Since you took me on an amazing date late weekend, I was hoping I am the first one you have ever watched the sunrise with. It sounded much better in my head. This was dumb, I thought I could do something – “

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