Chapter 1

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Please just leave me alone. I am begging you just go. I promise I won’t tell anyone.” Pleading with my uncle Robert to stop sexually touching me.

“Now, Essence, we go through this each time.” He says with a sick smirk on his face and lust dancing in his eyes. “You know I like it when you put up a fight, but now you are testing me. Just give me what is mine, give me what I want, and it will not be so bad. The fact is Essence, you will begin to enjoy it and learn to love it.”
“Please God, no.” Begging more as my warm salt tears stream down my face more heavily. “You're so beautiful when you cry, Essence. I can’t wait anymore.” Robert says as he kisses me harshly getting on top of me ripping off the few remaining clothes I had on before he violently pushed himself inside of me.
Jolting awake. Breathing heavy, sweating profusely while trying to catch my breath.
‘Pull it together Essence stop reliving this night. It started seven years ago.’ I tell myself while still trying to calm myself down.
Getting out of bed softly walking to the kitchen careful not to wake anyone. Entering the kitchen taken a seat as the tears pool from my eyes once more.
“Essence.” I hear my older brother call my name. Looking up at him, I break down and he holds me tight.
Lifting my head, I am met with Andres’s angry brown eyes. “Baby sis talk to me. I cannot even count how many times I have caught you crying. Please just tell me what is wrong? What has you so riled up?” He asked full of concern.
Closing my eyes, I ready to tell him what has been going on for years, but my words fail me again.
“It’s just some jerk at school. I shouldn’t even be wasting tears on him.” Plastering on a fake smile hoping he brought the lie I just told him.
“Essence, you know I will always be here for you through it all, you will always have me, but I need for you to stop lying to me. I am unsure of what is going on, I just pray one day soon you will trust me with the truth. I love you.” Andre says as he places a kiss on my forehead.
Watching Andre leave going back to his room I let out a loud silent scream as I question myself, ‘your so stupid Essence, why didn’t you just tell him?’
Finally getting back in bed, looking over at the clock as the time displayed is 4:37 AM. Positioning myself I lay on my back staring into the darkness as tears continue to slip from my eyes.
Next day
Walking down the corridor I hear my name being called. Turning around I see Mr. Perez coming towards me with a huge grin on his face.
“Essence, this school year is almost over, so let me be the first to congratulate you on your academic achievements this school year.”
Smiling back at Mr. Perez, “thank you, sir, I could not have done it without your help.”
“Essence you are a smart kid. I see you heading to a top college.”
“I hope so. I must be getting to my next class, but I appreciate you, Mr. Perez.” I replied as I watch him smile, I turned on my heels heading to my next class.
After school was over, I received a text from Andre saying he was going to hang out with some of his friends. Not bothering to return the text, I put my phone in my back pocket and went to get on the school bus.
Arriving at home, fear and horror cover me as I see my uncle’s silver truck in our yard. Turning around I hear the front door open.
“Going somewhere Essence?” He asks.
“Where are my parents?” I inquire while still taking small steps away from the house.
“COME HERE NOW.” He shouted making me jump at his words.
Backing away faster, as I fought back my tears our eyes still locked.  “Essence.” He said my name with a mixture of desire and anger.
“I made it so we could be together Essence. Do I need to call your dad and tell him you are not coming home, and you are with some boys?”
“Why are you lying? I am no- “
Before I could finish, he was in my face. Trying to make a run for it, he caught my wrist. “In the house now Essence.” 
Begging him to let me go he only looks at me with a warm smile. When I got into the house, I ran to the bathroom locking the door behind me.
Thinking I was safe until the door open. “I had a key made.” Uncle Robert stated as he locked the door back. Each step he took closer to me, I begin losing another piece of my soul.  
Kicking him in his balls I made a beeline for the door. Trying to unlock the door when I felt my hair being pulled from my scalp.
“AAAAAAHHHHHH” I screamed out in pain. Turning me to face him he backhanded me so hard my head turned.
“You little bitch.” He spoke with venom in his voice. Grabbing my head, he slammed it back into a wall as he slapped me across the face again.
“I remember the first time I saw you when you begin to fill out. Those fucking perky titties and your ass Essence. Mmm, your ass.”
“You’re sick, I fucking hate you, and tonight I am telling my parents. I will never have to see you again.” I replied while getting off the floor holding my facing.
Robert smirked as he asked, “do you remember when I tasted you for the first time?” Licking his lips, then he continued “Your pussy so pink and juicy. When I buried my face.” He stopped talking and just stared at me.
Out of nowhere, I see a fist coming directly to my face. Before I could react, he picks me up, dropping my body down. “OOOOOOOWWWWW”
My screams became more intense when my head hit the sink’s vanity.
Unable to comprehend what was going on and my voice is gone, I used all my strength to beg him to stop and leave me alone. Feeling him thrust hard inside of me, my tears was all I felt.
“Stop,” I said barely above a whisper as darkness consumed me.
Waking up to another hard smack across my face. “My precious Essence. You did it again, made me cum so hard and good.” He said kissing me on my neck.
Attempting to move away my sore body would only allow me to do so much. “You better remember what I have always told you,” Robert says as he kissed me then walked out the bathroom.
Crawling to the shower, turning the water on hot. Sitting in the back of the tub in a fetal position, the hot water cascaded down on my body mixing in with my tears.
After the shower making my way to my bedroom, I get in my bed trying to block out what happened and the discomfort I was in.
“Essence.” I heard my name being called again by my mom when my bedroom door opened.
“Didn’t you hea-“ Stopping mid-sentence my mom looked at me in shock.
“Baby, what happened to you? Who did this? LEROY, GET UP HERE NOW.” She shouted.
Hearing my mom ramble off thousands of questions, I continued to try to block everything out.
Looking up at the doorway when my dad came, I instantly felt smaller.
“Sweetie, who did this to you? Please be honest with me. Who hurt you in this way?” He asked in a worried tone.
Remaining silent tears spill from my eyes as the horrific memories begin to resurface in my mind.
“What’s the name of this boy who did this to you? Where was Robert, he was supposed to be here protecting you, now my baby is.” My mom says as she fought back her tears.
“Eleanor, we need to be strong for our daughter, she needs us. I’m going to call Robert, he can come ove- “
As the words were leaving my dad’s lips fear took over. Interrupting him I shouted “NO.”
Feeling the eyes of both my parents on me, I looked up trying to hold it all it.
“Essence,” Daddy said my name so softly. The look in his eyes held questions, as well as concern.”
“He did it,” I spoke.
“He who, Robert?” My mom questioned.
Tears begin to stream down my face while I slowly nodded my head in a yes motion.
“STOP LYING NOW, ESSENCE.” My father stated yelling at me.
“But I’m not lying daddy. He has been molesting, raping, abusing, and beating me for the past six years.” I told them.
“This does not sound like my best friend, Essence. I have been knowing Robert for close to 40 years. You better stop with these lies and accusations right now little girl.”
“ESSENCE, I said enough.”
“LeRoy she can’t go to school like this.” My mom said in a nonchalant tone.
My dad was looking at, but I could not decipher what his eyes were saying. “Stay home until next week, if you have healed up some you can return to school.” My father told me as he turned walking out of my bedroom.
I replied in a barely audible voice, “yes, sir.”
While standing at the doorway he spoke again, “and Essence.” He turns facing me before he continued, “you better not say a word about this to anybody. Do you understand?”
I nodded my head in a yes motion because I was unable to speak.
“Eleanor, come on.” My dad stated.
“Get some rest baby.” Mom said as she padded my shoulder.
Laying in bed after they left, I cried myself to sleep.

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