Chapter 41

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Sitting in the chair watching Essence sleep, praying to thank God she woke up. Picking up my phone and calling my mom.
Mid-third ring, my mom’s voice echoes through the speaker.
“Hey sweetheart, is everything okay? You are calling rather late. Is Essence alright?” She asks.
“Mom, you are rapidly asking me questions, slow down for a minute. Yes, Essence is doing good. That’s the reason I am calling. She woke up.”
“Thank God! I will let everybody know. I know Kendric will be excited to speak with her.”
“She is asleep now, but if she is up to talk to Kendric when he gets out of school they can. They cannot face time until her face and body heal up.”
“Lucas, are you okay, honestly, are you?”
“I know she has a long road of recovery  ahead.”
“Son, you are not alone, we are here too. Not just for you, but Essence as well. She is Kendric's mother, that makes her family.”
“Thank you, momma.”
“I love you too son, now get some sleep. I will call and check on you both in the morning.”
“Goodnight momma,” I say to her as I end the call.
Just as I was placing the phone on the charger the door opens revealing Mr. Perez and Andre.
Walking in the room Andre loudly asks, “what happened to my sister?”
As Essence stirs in her sleep. Standing up walking over to him, “let’s go talk in the hallway while she is asleep.”
Leaving Mr. Perez in the room with Essence, Andre and I went into the hallway.
“I have been trying to reach you since everything happened, Andre. Please know and understand why I had to give consent for Essence to have surgery, without surgery she wouldn’t have made it. I was calling and calling.”
“What happened to my sister?”
“I got there too late to save her. They were beating and assaulting her.” Dropping my head as the thoughts torture my mind.
“I shouldn’t have left her, then to leave my phone. They had to have been watching the house. By the way, who are they? Andre question.
“Kendric’s donor, my ex, and her mom. Her screams, I can still hear her screaming. This brings me to what I need to ask or say to you. I want Essence to come live with me and our son.”
“Your joking, right?”
“I am not. Our son needs her, and she doesn’t need to stay here in this environment. She doesn’t need to be in this constant reminder of what happened.”
“You say Kendric needs hers, why don’t you and him just move here? Why should my sister be the one to uproot herself to accommodate you?”
“She is the mother of my son- “
Andre interrupted me, “then why not give her custody of him?”
“Because like it or not I am his father, and she is his mother. I want us to raise him together, as a family. That’s what we all need, and it will be in the best interest for all of us.”
“In the best interest for you?”
“Andre, I am not taking your sister away from you. I would never do that knowing how close you two are; I want you to come also. Kendric needs all of his family, including his uncle Andre. I realize this is a lot to take in, but Essence is my family too.”
“Are you in love with my sister?”  
“Yes, I love Essence, but I am not in love with her. Just like you, I will always protect her.”
“Where exactly will she be living?”
“With me and Kendric.”
Giggling Andre spoke again, “I was afraid you were going to say that. Please explain how this is going to work. If you get a girlfriend what is going to happen then, or vice versa Essence gets a boyfriend, will he move in too? What about Kendric, what is he supposed to tell people, my mom and dad live together, but they are not together just cohabiting. Have you really thought all of this out, Lucas?”
“We will cross that bridge when we get to it, right now it's best for all of us to be together as a family and to begin healing as a family.”
“I will talk to Essence about it when she wakes up in the morning. Thank you for getting my sister and doing what you needed to do to save her. I will forever be grateful and in your debt.” Andre says, extending his hand.
Shaking his hand, telling him, “We are family, just like you, I will always protect Kendric and Essence.”
Entering back into the room we see Mr. Perez holding Essence's hand with tears streaming down his face.
As he looks up at us trying to speak, he drops his head again.
Andre went to the other side of her, I took the other chair. A while later, sleep consumes us.
Waking up I am met with Essence’s brown eyes.
Whispering I spoke, “You should still be resting, it's too early for you to be up.”
“So should you but we both awake. When did my brother and Mr. Perez get here?”
“Late last night, Andre knows I would like for you to come live with me and Kendric.”
“About that Lucas.”  


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