Chapter 21: Pathetic Hypocrisy

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Indie's hollering shriek caught everyone's attention. Her eyes shifted between Reaper's presumably dead body and the fork on her hand with the half slice of chocolate cake. The chef with his servants came running towards her in shock, and the Reaper's henchmen of assassins entered the pastry shop in surprise to see their leader on the floor: 'Half-dead' 

'F*CK. Did I just kill my future murderer?!' Indie's thoughts raced with time as everyone gathered around the dead body of Reaper. 

'Oh sh*t.' 

"How could this have happened!? My dear valued customer!" The chef panicked as he cried. Reaper's assassins looked bloodshot at Indie as her head was already preoccupied with other thoughts. 

"How dare you do this to our Leader!" One of the assassins pointed their blade at Indie and the other pointed at the Chef and his servants.  "How dare you poison our master! You shrewd wrench!" 

Indie didn't know what was going on, she looked at the half-bitten cake she gave to Reaper and then stared at the Chef. 

"I wouldn't dare to poison my own customers! I am a professional baker who earned his degree at the Culinary Art School! I am no street assassin!" The Chef argued back. Indie quickly took the bite of the cake she had given to Reaper. 

'Chocolate.' The flavor melted in her mouth as she said: "T-the Chef is r-right! I-it can't be poisoned-!" 

"You wrench- this was your plan all along was it!" The henchmen glared at Indie in anger. "Fooling and toying with our master all along! You aristocratic bastards don't fool us!" 

"-Allergic reaction." One of the servants muttered as he moved around Reaper's dead corpse. "It has to be an allergic reaction."

"!" Everyone looked shocked across the room. Indie was trembling in relavation: 'He's allergic to chocolate?'

'WHY CHOCOLATE?! That's my favorite flavor- f*ck. Just had to screw my life.' 

"W-we have to take him to the medic-!" Indie yelled at the masses, "we can't just argue-and l-let him d-die!" 

"He isn't dying!  He's already dead!" One of his assassins yelled at her. 

"Then we should go dig his grave and bury-!" Indie yelled and coughed as she continued. "I- I mean let's take him to the doctor to check! How can you still be so sure he is dead?" 

"Last I checked you wrench- you were far away from the safe radar!" The second assassin sneered at Indie as they refused to let her take Reaper. 

'And you aren't on the safe radar with your damn Leader either! Maybe I should go dig my grave while I am at it!' 

"I will call an attorney to solve this case! And ask for justice." The chef offered, "I will also overlook your orders and pay for your medical bills to prove my innocence!" 

"A-ah- t-thank you," Indie said to the chef and then stared at all the remaining of food she still hadn't touch. She had no idea how to talk to a man who looked like he was about to end his own career now that a customer ended up half-dead in his shop. 

"Someone prepare a stretcher!" The chef called anxiously, "We have to hurry to the medic!" 



Where they ended up was on a large ground estate behind a large castle that peaked to the top. Indie's eyes reached up to see the large towers covered in snow and she swore she had seen this before. But she couldn't remember where. 

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