Chapter 5: The Window of Deception

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"Indie! Oh Indie!" someone yelled. Indie turned around as she was heading for her room. A teenage girl around the age of fourteen jumped up to her. 

Indie not knowing who this little girl was, slowly opened her mouth and softly asked: "Hello." 

"Huh? Is there something wrong Indie?" 

"What do you mean?" Indie didn't say anything while staring at the girl. 

"Did you break up with your boyfriend or something?" 

"Huh?" Indie asked.

"I heard from Auntie Martha you went to the Capital!" she yelled. And suddenly eyes turned onto Indie in a flash. 

People in the streets, all looked at her like a hawk preying it's victim. 

"The Capital? You say?" someone whispered. 

"Oh my! She went to the Capital!" 

"Isn't that were the church is?" 

"Church? Those cruel barbarians who ruined our lives?" 


"Isn't she Indie? The famous cheery girl around town? Why would a woman go to the Capital? Don't tell me she is one of the Church people..." 

"HmpH! Those Church supporters and those cruel Nobles..." 

"How pathetic..." 

"Careful... if anyone heard you say that your head will fly!"

"Is Indie a supporter? No way! She seems to care for the people!" 

"That woman could be a vixen too..."


Whispers went around, Indie gulped. Th-is is bad. If people found out that Indie was actually a Church supporter or some Missionary... it was over for her. But they wouldn't know right? 

The Commoners despised the Church. Any supporters were treated like... witches. Worse actually, it was the Church people who destroyed them. 

"Ah..." Indie realized that she needed to do something to stop any weird rumors from spreading. She looked at the fourteen year old girl who seemed naive or whatsoever to these things. 

'She isn't a white faced b*tch is she? I don't know...' 

"Oh... Yeah- I went to the Capital. I had to get some products from there for a Client," Indie said casually through her teeth.

"Products? Which ones? The expensive ones?" the fourteen year old girl said. 

'Holy sh*t... does this girl actually suspect Indie is a SPY? Who is she? Reaper's informtant? Whatever it is... I need to be careful...' 

"Of course not! How could I afford such expensive, lavish, and luxurious items? It was a project from my Agency! They paid for the entire trip! It was a relief!" Indie acted happily.   

"Oh... I told you! She wasn't a supporter! Our Indie is kind!" 

"True... she had to get some products for her Client. Makes sense." 

"Shush! If the Church Spies hear you, they will send Emissionaries to silence us and watch over us. The Northern people are being victimized by them!" 

"Indie is a good girl..." another person said smiling. 

'Sigh!'  Indie sighed loudly. She stared at the fourteen year old girl glaring at her. Oh... wow... this was quite unexpected. 'It's a white lotus B*tch...' 

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