Chapter 15: Track them down(1)

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Indie felt her feet cold as ice cubes as she stared into Sage Thea's eyes with a blank expression. As soon as Thea met her eyes, Indie would quickly shift her eyes towards the floor. That annoying Cardinal left them both in the room as Indie would be Sage Thea's new minion. Indie wasn't exactly happy about the new outcome of course.

She was now officially a minion. A real villain for this novel's setting. F*CK this world of course! Isn't that a good opportunity?! Indie tried to be optimistic– as long as she can be Sage Thea's minion, she can be a double agent and tattle tail to Reaper~

"You." The Sage finally opened her mouth and pointed at Indie as she asked, "what's your name?"

"P-priestess Indie Solstice, your Holiness."

"How long have you been working here?"

"Y-years? 6-8 Years?" Indie assumed with a wild guess. Sage Thea studied her from head to toe as she mumbled:

"Do me a favor."

"Your wish is my command, your holiness–"

"You can shut up with that crap." Sage Thea said as she shifted the scepter from one hand to another. The magical orb of the scepter started glowing faintly as if a magic aura was coming out from it.

"T-then–" Indie didn't know what else to say, "I– I will do my best with whatever you order."

"Tell me everything about this Church." The Sage asked as she stared sharply into Indie's eyes.

"Ah–" Indie said, taking her breath back. Everything about this Church? Should she recite everything the Cardinal told her before leaving?! But she wasn't exactly paying attention though!

"Oh, then the Church was built years ago, as it is the powerhouse of the Empire."

"Everyone knows that, idiot. I mean everything about the Church– like rumors, history, power dynamics."

"Oh– t-the Pope is the leader of the Church. I think the Cardinal is right after, then the Bishop."

"Who is the Bishop?" Sage Thea said rubbing her chin.

"I- M-" Indie stopped.

'Why is she asking about the Bishop? Does she know something about Jason? Calm down Indie! Stop coming to conclusions! It's just a question!'

"Oh, Mr. Hessen," Indie said.

"Is that so?" Sage Thea said, her eyes glinted with amusement. "I heard that you were a spy working for the Church, am I correct?"

"Y-yes?" Indie said, with a soft smile on her face.

"What information do you have?"

"Uh– I- there is a source of people with Holy Powers?" Indie half lied, as she wasn't sure herself. Indie even doubted that she was a spy herself! She didn't know anything!

"People with Holy Powers? Are you lying?" Sage Thea said as she approached Indie, step by step. Indie stepped back with each step Sage Thea took. "Why are you keeping space?"

'W-what? What's her problem?!' Indie kept her head down as she said: "I don't want to invade Her Holiness's purity with my disgrace and uncleansed body."

"Stop lying." Sage Thea said as she approached Indie, "who are you?"

'W-what?! C-can this day just get any worse!'  

"Your Holiness, I just don't feel comfortable when people approach me." Indie squeaked as she held her body down from shaking. Indie didn't know why but– whenever Sage Thea approached her, Indie's mind would just react repelling her. 

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