Chapter 12: The Curse (2)

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"huh?" Indie asked when the Brother dropped the bomb onto her face. Powers?! The Original Indie had powers? Why? How? All questions were revolving around her head, but she couldn't say them aloud because of her social anxiety. 

" have them right?" 

Indie felt her head hurt, she knew that if she didn't say anything then the situation would get much worse. If the Church did that, she didn't want to think about it. 

If she had powers it explains why Indie works like a horse. But why a Spy out of all of the things? Is it because of her curse? If she had powers, what kind of powers did she have... healing?! She has Divine Powers like the Heroine?! Or it could be also cursed...

"...Brother, I don't want to talk about it here. My head is hurting because of the cold." Indie said, hoping to dodge the bullet. But she really wanted to find out about Original Indie's ability. Why was she cursed in the first place...

Because of the Transmigration? 

"Ah okay... I thought we would want to discuss why the Church wants you now." 

"Huh? Is there a new mission?" 

"Didn't Jason send you the new mission?" 

"H-he did... about..." Indie shut up, not wanted to expose anything about the heroine yet. 

"...*Sigh* you were never like this Indie..." 

"hahaha... people change," Indie awkwardly smiled. 

"Is that so..." he murmured. 

"Brother, do you know about Marquess?" Indie asked about the Male Lead's whereabouts.

The man's eyebrows raised when Indie said that, and asked: "Marquess, Marquess Fiedricis the war hero? Why?" 

"He is the Patrician Party, isn't he? If he's the war hero, he could wage and war while defeating us in minutes." 

"Ha! That's the catch... he can't!" 

Indie paused. In the original novel, it's the Male Lead- Marquess Fiedricis who leads his troops to victory to be labeled from "War Hero" to "the Guardian of the War God" 

Did something happen in between? 

F*ck... what's the catch?! Isn't that a weakness then? Should Indie reveal that information to Reaper? 

"What's the catch then?" 

"Do you want to know?" he says. Indie nods her head. He smiles and tells her: 

"You can't tell anyone about it." 

Indie nods even harder. 'As if!' 

"Come closer." both Indie and the man huddle up as he whispers: "He is born with less mana." 

'M-Mana?! WTF!? When did Mana come from! This novel didn't have Mana!' 


"When the Marquess was born, he was born with a weak heart. To make sure the child was healthy the Fiedricis family made a deal with the Church. No one knows what kind of contract they made but the Marquess's birth is a secret that can cost your life." 

Indie gulped. None of this was in the novel at all! The Original Indie had a curse?! The Male Lead made a contract with the Church?! WTF!

"T-then why did you mention Mana?" 

"Oh... rumors have it that Fiedricis family run on magic. Most of their heirs have mana... less mana means they have low chances of surviving..." 

Makes sense... Indie tried to remember that the Male Lead was the only child of the family. If the  Fiedricis family didn't have an heir- their bloodline would be lost. 

So why in the end did the  Fiedricis family betray the Church to work with the Patrician Party nobles?! Why did the Male Lead become the Male Lead if he made a contract with the Church?! Was that mentioned in the novel?? 

Indie couldn't remember. She didn't read the book at all, but her head was already hurting. 

So if the Male Lead tried to rebel... the Church could threaten the Fiedricis family with the contract. Then... why are they rebelling in the novel? This doesn't make sense. 

"W-who else knows this?" 

"It's just gossip around in the Aristocratic Faction," Brother tells Indie. 


'I wonder if Reaper has heard them or not... I mean it could be information right? It might not be valuable...' 

"Is my little sister interested in the Marquess?" 

"No... it was just a thing that came across my head." 


The rest of the ride was ridden in silence. Indie realized they were already directly heading towards the church. 

'How Convenient! I just have to get rid of this guy and head home after eavesdropping on some valuable info!'


"We're here," The carriage stopped past a massive cathedral standing in the center of the Capital. Indie's jaws tried not to drop as she noticed the grand building. It certainly wasn't described as a normal Cathedral!

"The Church..." Indie mumbled quietly. Never once in her life would she meet anything grand like this. Not like the one in her novel. Just look at that building. Huge Iron Gates blocking unauthorized entry, guards wearing robes in every corner, massive stairs that lead the entryway. The difference between the town Indie lived in and the Capital!

"Is something the matter?" Indie's Brother asked as he noticed Indie's astounded face. Indie followed him down as she tried not to gawk at the grandery. The Guards noticed them but snapped: "Identity Check!"

'Geez! These people are truly overprotective aren't they?!'

Indie's Brother pulled out a brooch at the corner of his wooly cape and said: "Viscount Solstice's Apparent Heir." The Guards nodded as they opened the door.

'Security here is sure tight... but how did they get past here in the Original Novel? If I get a little information on the weakness of this tight security- it could help right? But how? What did they get past security in the original novel?'

Indie looked around at the guards. No, there was no weakness. Nothing. Except that one needs to climb over the gates to get into the Church. But she doubts that someone will notice them.

'How Pathetic... what do I do?'



"Your Holiness, you do realize that these two are born opposites of each other?" Cardinal Stigma chased the Head Pope. The Head Pope sighed in displeasure:

"The Prophecy about one girl was true... but two?! Do you realize how God tricked us? This will be dangerous if Saint Magnus hears this." The Cardinal kept warning the Head Pope. But the old man only shook his head and said:

"Bring her in."

"Yes, Your Holiness." the Cardinal said as the door opened. 

A woman walked in with a scepter in her hands; "H-hello y-your Holiness," 



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