Chapter 18: Which Style?

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"Ha." Indie let out a sigh of anger as she strolled through the streets. 

'Why? Why is this happening to me?!' 

A new day has indeed begun for Indie, but with a certain annoying service that is!  Reaper was walking right next to her!

What the hell, people! Doesn't anyone in the Capital find a puny guy with a mask on his face, suspicious? Isn't that cheating?! 

This was the Capital! The most secured place on the continent! There were Church Guards every block she took a turn. What they hated the most was unidentified, potentially dangerous, and 'surprise' visitors. 

'Hey, author- why are you cheating? You make my life hard, and for Reaper, it's easy!' 

Ten feet behind her, Reaper's men were quietly trailing them– and trying to not act anything out of the ordinary from the public. Though they did succeed on the latter, they have failed to notice that Indie had indeed kept her eyes on them. 

But that wasn't the main problem. The main issue was that Reaper was nagging right next to her ear! 

"...these bloodied imbeciles... they dress lavishly yet they let the common people suffer without having a drop of water for days..." He gritted his teeth while his hands wrapped around his sword. 

"-Quiet! Shhh!" Indie shushed him, looking cautiously around herself to see if anyone heard them. 

"...Should I just kill everyone?" 

"No!" Indie insecurely caught Reaper's sleeves and tightly held onto it. Reaper gave her a casting glance as she tethered him over in another direction. He seemed somewhat reluctant with her grabbing him around but he didn't do anything against it. 

Indie herself doubting where she was going! She was walking around in circles in the streets after she left the Solstice mansion. 

This all had happened since yesterday night:  



(Yesterday Night:)

"-why is the contract deal of my life only a day?!" Indie raged at him. "This isn't something that should be measured with time!" 

"I am your master, you will only listen to what I say. If I wasn't generous, you would have died on the floor twenty-four hours ago." He unleashed his sword once more. 

Indie shut her mouth immediately and decided to talk to him about this later. She clenched her fists and made a promise to herself. 

'Lord, if you ever give me a chance. Before I die, let me at least punch his face!' 

"...alright then, you will not harm anyone that I care for, for one day," Indie said. "And including myself too, you know!" 

"Fine. As long as you never betray my trust, even if I'll have to personally watch you myself, I'll let them live."  



'Watching me is a completely different thing than standing right next to me in a shady costume! Hey! How come no one finds this guy suspicious?!' 

'Like- where is his certificate of disguise?! Didn't the author make him the most smartest person in the book or something? Or was it just my imagination?!' 

'Or is today like Halloween or something?' 

"Can you like, keep it down?" Indie politely asked as she pressed her hands together in a prayer form. 

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